《 Chapter 3: The Yoke's on You 》

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In Green Hill, a yellow streak goes over Hedgehog's Pass. The streak curves under the pass and hops over a small rock. It zooms from tree to tree and breaks through a bigger rock and swerves over the grass to break other rocks. A black figure spins with a yellow streak in its weight and flies high in the air then lands, sending bits of rock flying. Shadow the Hedgehog stands with a scowl on his face and turns then speeds off. He leaps at another rock then shatters it. He leaps again and destroys another rock. He looks around and runs through another one. With black and red fur, white gloves and gold rings, he leaps at more big rocks and pummels them. Ahead of him, a green jewel floats.

"Chaos Emerald."

Shadow approaches it and holds it.

"There you are."

He holds it up.

"Chaos Control!"

Shadow vanishes then reappears on the pass. He skates on top of the grass and slides to a stop. He looks around and notices little birds, Flickies fly upward. Shadow looks down to see pebbles on the grass shaking. He then looks ahead to see a giant glowing sparking shockwave heading toward him. He stands, ready to fight and the shockwave engulfs him.

In a red core of a purple void, a blue and purple streaks spins inside the purple ball. Shadow's gloves and rings reach toward it. Another flashes before his eyes and they went wide in horror to see scared Gwen punching on the invisible wall that's keeping her from escaping.

"Help! Somebody, help! Help!!" she cried.

Shadow reaches towards her only to hit the invisible wall between them. Suddenly, Gwen gets sucked into the vortex of oblivion. She tries to hold on and reach for anything, but it was too late as she disappears.

"NO!!!!" he shouted.

A blizzard of bubbles sparks flies around him. The shockwave passes as Shadow glares up ahead.


He then softens as fear come across his face.


Shadow speeds through Green Hill again as his yellow streak flashes between palm trees and rocks. He wears rings on his black and red shoes, which slide over the grass on yellow pockets of air. Some distance ahead, gold rings float in lines as Sonic collects them in full speed. His blue streak and Shadow's yellow one head towards each other. Sonic sees Shadow and screams and couldn't stop himself as Shadow punches him into the air.

"So, I know what you're thinking. 'Sonic has a twin brother?' Well, no. I'd rather have a sister than having a brother. This guy right here is Shadow, and he's kinda my biggest rival."

The scene shows Shadow breaking the rocks like a boss and skating in speed with yellow streaks behind him as it showed his shoes.

"He's also real buzz-kill. And by the way, he roller-skates like my sister!"

Shadow turns to the readers as he skates.

"They're air shoes."

Back to them as Sonic falls on the ground. He gets up and looks at him in shock.


"What did you do?" Shadow demanded, stomping towards him.

Sonic gets up, looking confused.

"What did I do? Eggman's the bad guy, remember?"

"You literally shook the world. You even put Gwen out of existence!"

Shadow skates towards him and tries to attack him when Sonic jumps over him and lands, collecting the rings along the way.

"That's 'cause I'm good. And powerful, apparently. Jealous?"

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