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Ryan parks his car in front a big black two-door entrance from where I can see the mansion.

Its a big and modern mansion- Joseph must be very rich. I wonder if he's richer than Ryan. My eyes scan the surroundings, there's no one outside, no security or anything like that.

"That's his house." Ryan's voice makes my head turn towards him "he's probably inside. You can go inside."

I stare at Ryan, nervously "will you leave when I go in?" I ask.

"No. I'll be here when you're done." Ryan says and gives me a small smile.


"Incase.." Ryan starts "anything goes wrong, call me. I'll come in."

I nod "okay."

Ryan and I remain our eye contact for a few moments before I give him a small smile and turn towards the door. I open the door and get out of the car. I shut the door and turn towards the huge two-door entrance. I take a deep breath before I walk through the door.

I look around my surroundings as I make my way towards the mansion main gate, there's greenery on both side, gardeners are doing their work. Although, some of them stand up when they spot me, confusion taking over their facial expression. I pick up my pace and quickly make my way towards the main door.

When I reach it, I simply stand quietly and stare at it debating whether it was a good idea to come here or not. I turn my head towards the huge door I walked through and see the back the of the Ryan's car, relief washes over me. He didn't leave. Of course he didn't, he promised.

I turn back to the door, take a deep breath and ring the door bell. It echoes in the whole house for almost a minute before the door opens.

An old aged woman comes at the door, she frowns when she sees me before asking "Can I help you, Miss?"

I part my lips to talk "I'm here for Mr William. He's not expecting me but-"

"who's at the door, Audrey?" a familiar, deep voice breaks in, the lady- Audrey turns her head behind.

"There's a young lady asking for you, sir." Audrey backs away from the door as Joseph comes into view, his scrunched up brow soften when he sees me.


"Good evening, Mr William. Am I interrupting?" I ask, biting down my lower lip, nervously.

"No. No, no. Come in, please." he opens the door wider for me to walk in.

I murmur a "thank you" as I walk in. Joseph shuts the door and gestures me to walk ahead.

He leads me towards the huge living room. There's a wooden center table placed on the carpet, two sofa placed on either side of the table. Few abstracts paintings are hanging on the wall. on the right, there's a long and broad staircase that goes up leading to different room. All furniture placed in this room is luxurious.

"Take a seat." Joseph says and I take my seat on the couch, he sits on the couch across from me. I placed my hands on top of my documents which are placed on my lap.
Joseph gives me a warm smile as he says, "would you like something to drink?"

"No, thank you. I'm okay." I give him a small smile.

"Alright then," he says and leans back on the couch, "what brings you here?"

"Um, I have something to tell you," he nods for me to continue, "oh, um-" I glance down at the documents placed on my lap, I take a deep breath before looking up at him. "This is going to sound crazy and it's probably a lot later that I'm telling you this but I thought you should know." he frowns and leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. I part my lips, it takes me a moment before I let the sentence out "I'm your daughter."

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