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A week back from my honeymoon everything seemed great.

Finn helped me replace my security team. I was able to convince my clients and win their trust back. None of our projects got leaked.

As I said, everything seemed great until, after a week I walk into my office to find John sitting across from my desk with a smirk plastered on his mocking face.

"Good Morning, Mr Hartford." John said as I raised my eye brow in question.

I shut my office door behind me "what are you doing here?" I said as I walked to my table.

"Geez Ryan, what's it gotta take for you to ask someone about their day?" John said as I sat in my chair. I looked at him with a boring stare. "Oh, right, maybe your wife can change that."

My shoulder tensed. John never talks about Rose. The last time he talked about her was when he suggested I use Rose's trust to gather information about her father.

Isn't that what you're doing?

No. That was my goal but not anymore. I haven't even thought about my revenge since I've started spending time with Rose.

"What do you want?" John bringing up Rose is not a good sign.

"I want to know that what the hell is wrong with you?" John said "you're falling for her." I frowned "you took a vacation. You've never taken a vacation since you've started your business."

I rested my elbows on my desk as I interlocked my hands infront.

"I took a vacation to spend time with Rose." I said "isn't that what you wanted me to do?"

Shock took over John's face.

I took that vacation to spend time with Rose because I wanted to.

John can't know the real reason. In order, to keep my business and my wife save from him, I need to make him believe that I'm taking his suggestion and using Rose.

"You took her on a vacation just because of my suggestion?" John asked

"I take things to an extreme. Besides, it helped. She trusts me."

A grin grew on his face as he leaned back in his chair and his body relaxed "impressive." He rubbed a hand on his jaw "Ryan Hartford, a true heart breaker."

My jaw clenched.

I'm not breaking Rose's heart. What I feel for her is real. I'll let myself die before I let anyone hurt Rose.

You're lying to her.

"Is there anything else you wanted to discuss?" I asked

"No. Just... Keep me updated." He grinned wider and the urge to wipe that grin off his face with a punch grew.

"Then get out." I said and busied myself with the files placed on the table.

"Being a little nice wouldn't hurt." John muttered as he stood up and started walking towards the door "do you want me to prepare your divorce papers?"

My shoulders tensed and I clutched the paper with a tight grip.


"Consider it done." John said then left shutting the door.

The room fell silent and I loosened my grip on the papers. I dropped my head into my hands.

If Rose finds out about this, she will hate you.

I'll tell her. I'll tell her the truth. I'll make sure she stays.

When will you tell her?

When the time is right.

You're getting yourself killed.

I ran my hand through my hair as I went through ways to tell Rose about the truth.

But in every solution, I pictured her leaving me.

My chest ached at the thought.

The thought of me hurting Rose. The thought of Rose leaving me. The thought of our marriage ending.

It can't happen. I'll kill myself.

Since when a girl leaving you hurt so much?

Since I fell in love.


I came out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door, I sat straight in my chair as I spoke "come in."

Isabelle walked into my office "Sir, Mr Graham's lawyer wants to meet you."

"Alright. Let him in."

Isabelle nodded then left.

Henry's lawyer? What the hell does he want?

After a moment, another knock came on my door before a tall blonde man walked into my office. I stood from chair as he walked towards my table. I pulled out my hand and he shook it "good afternoon, Mr Clarke."

"Good afternoon, Mr Hartford." He smiled making his eyes small

"Please, take a seat."

We both sat down as he said "please call me Aiden."

I nodded. "Alright." He passed another warm smile then I asked "what brings you here?"

"Ah, yes. I wanted to discuss something about Mr Graham."


"Apparently, before Mr Graham passed away, he left his daughter a letter which he wanted her to read which contained some truth about a certain situation."

A letter? To Rose?

"Has Ms Rose mentioned anything about such a letter?" I shook my head "well, then." Aiden opened his bag and took out a brown envelope "in the letter which Mr Graham left me. He wanted me to wait till you and Ms Rose had settled into the marriage- which I can tell by your behavior towards her- you have accepted the fact that she's the one." He grinned as I frowned.

"My wife is in touch with her. They have a very strong bond." Aiden said.

Rose is friends with Aiden's wife? Why didn't I know about her?

You'd know if you asked her.

I need to know about every one of Rose's friends.

Even her enemies.

"Anyways, Mr Graham thought that if Ms Rose had opened that letter, she and you must've known about the truth but it seems she does not want to know about the truth." Aiden continued

"What truth?" I asked.

Aiden took a deep breath before saying "the truth about your brother's murderer."

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐟 𝐖𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz