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Ryan is the coldest and most stubborn man I've met in my life.

Taking care of him is like taking care of a child. He says 'no' to everything. I made him soup, he said he doesn't eat it, It took so many tries for him to finally eat, I almost cried. I whined and he didn't care. Making him take medicines was the hardest part. He didn't want to sleep and all the medicines contained sleep and he needed sleep.

Whenever I left the room, he would try to get out of bed just to answer few emails, I told him to forget about work for a bit and take care of himself and he said "I'd rather chew off my own foot." He should've married his company. I swear that's the only love in his life.

After many tries, I was able to get him to eat his soup, take his medicines and make sure he was asleep.

I sighed and sat on the ground. I was too exhausted to find a seat and sit. Ryan is hard to take care of and I mean it.

I kept my gaze on Ryan making sure he was asleep. He sounded asleep, his chest was heaving with every breath and he looked peaceful...

I didn't look away from him. I never saw Ryan asleep, he went to bed after me and when I would wake up, he was already awake. I never thought seeing someone sleeping peacefully could give you such warmth.

He looked so peaceful, I never wanted to wake him up. The world might see him as a cold bastard but at that moment, he looked like the sweetest soul. It was when I realized I was smiling.

I hope I'm not creepy.

My phone rang on my lap. I quickly grabbed it and silenced the ringtone. My heart pounding, I looked towards Ryan hoping he didn't wake up.




He shifted, I froze. He stopped moving and his breathing became normal, I silently sighed in relief, I looked at the caller ID.


I picked up the call and whispered "Hello?"

"hi-why are you whispering?" Bree asked from the other side of the phone as I stood up.

"Ryan's sleeping." I whispered and quietly turned the doorknob.

"what?" Bree asked, shocked.

I walked out of the room and quietly closed the bedroom door "yeah," I said in my normal voice

"my brother is taking a nap?"

"forced nap, he would say,"

"you made him take a nap?"

"he's sick"

"he never naps, he barely sleeps."

"I know but his condition might get worst if he doesn't rest," I said walking downstairs.

"wow... he's resting," I hummed as I entered the kitchen "how did you do that?"

"well," I said and took out a water bottle from the fridge "it included a lot of pinching, blackmailing, whining and threats"

"woah wait," a pause "you pinched him?"

"yes," I said and took a big gulp of water

"how the hell are you alive?"

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