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In this 'chapter' It will actually be based on updates and any rules or questions that might need to get posted. Or asked by many of you all as readers and writers.

We would like to throw this out there since it's very important. We would  recommend reading over the wattpad policies. Simply to remind yourselves what are the expect behavior, responbility, and reminders. 

So it has come to our attention that we should write this down just in case some readers and writers don't know this or have heard about this issue. And what we have noticed is that there is so much going on this site so we will go though what I write this down before anything else happens. Please take note that this information is serious.

— We do not allow bullying in the awards. We placed a link so if you need any services please visit the site.

—We strongly encourage not to spam this awards. Instead of placing the story on the way try and enter it into the awards. This was designed to have all discovered and uncovered authors have a chance to enter in this awards. For everyone not to feel alone and be discovered by variety of people who might even have a similar interest as you.

—We will try to place the rules as simple as possible in the past awards we have noticed that there is a bit more need on clarification. But like said before feel free to private message this account or leave a comment on the comment section.

—The story can only be entered in one genre and one genre only. For example. You cannot place one story and be placed as two entries if you have something mixed of mystery and romance stick to the one that fits best to your story. And also no multiple entries for that same genre.

The Creative Writing Awards 2024Where stories live. Discover now