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Voting the genres this year were from the voting made by all the readers and writers the deadline was December 2023. And it ended on January 2024 Eastern Time. Thank you to those who have voted for this year's awards genres.

Submission will stories will start on January-February 2024 Eastern Time. And we will be placing the genres that you all the readers and writers chose for this year's awards. It will take bit of a of time to get all of the genres so it will take time to process.

Remind that we will be having certain genres that will be added. But this time we will have you as the audience add which genres we can have this year.  These where the genres with the most botes.

This includes:

1. Romance
2.  Mystery/Thriller
3. Fan Fiction
4. Young Adult
5. Fantasy
6. Historical Fiction
7.  Short Story
8. Poetry
9. Science Fiction
10. Horror

For one of these genres place +1 on it so we can see the total votes that we can see the total votes we will have in this year's awards. Also LGBTQ+ and Mature also can be included in stories.

Reminder to put in a plus one +1 next to the genre you all as readers and writers will choose what we will be hosting this year. But only up to two genres you can vote as to what The Creative Awards will be hosting this year 2024.

If we also see there are no votes at all them automatically they will be excluded. But like we said it's up to you all as readers and writers to to choose wisely and carefully. Please let some of your Wattpad friends and favorite writers/authors about our awards for everyone to have a chance to enter.

Also a reminder that you all are all allowed to enter the story that have not won in our last awards. Every reader and writer can post the story on here to have another opportunity to win.

Lastly, I would like to say to all of the young readers and writer that...

We will also hosting our best side awards:

a. Best Cover
b. Best Series
c. Best Protagonist
d. Best Ending

We will have a a separate "chapters" just for these special side awards.

Comment question some readers and writers may ask about our side award is...

*Are we allowed to use the same story that we are entering in one of these genres?

-The answer is yes that is allowed. What will also allowed is if a writer's story winners the genre and the special side award their sticker will have also a say in the best cover,series, protagonist, or ending.

If there are any more questions regarding the awards please leave a comment on here:--->

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