How to enter?

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The way a reader and writer would like to enter the story in to the awards is by this form:

Title by username

For example,

The Creative Writing Awards 2024  by @creativewritingaward

Which how it is suppose to be formated.

Or else if it not in this correct format it will not count.

Reminder to please read the 'Important' from the previous 'chapter' because it explains the rules that need to be followed in the awards.

Also as an important remind if you have won an awards last year you are more then welcome to enter again this year. Though what will not count this time is if the story you enter already won a prize from our last year's awards. To also include if you have not won last year's award with the story you have entered you are more then welcome to sign up that same story.


Title by username

The chapter that we posted called "How to enter' are the instructions on how to enter in other words, how authors and readers are suppose to write the story they want to enter when we open up the sign ups in the correct format

The sign-up have not opened yet.

The Creative Writing Awards

The Creative Writing Awards 2024Where stories live. Discover now