~ Chapter 13 ~

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Mid June, 1536; Hever Castle, Kent


The days have slipped by in a blink of an eye. Weeks have passed since the conversation between Henry and I. In only a matter of days my sister will be executed with a blow to the neck.

I fled to my families home in Kent. Henry has written to me on multiple occasions which to my better judgement, I have been responding back. He has been stuck in London with wedding preparations.

Which I'm thankful for, so I may have some peace and quite to wrap my mind around  what lies ahead. It still hasn't quite hit me of my appending pre-nuptials. The current reality of things, feel just like a dream. Like I will wake up anytime and have everything returned to normal. Though, I know in my mind that will not occur.

The news of Henry and I's engagement speared like a wildfire throughout England. Gifts and letters of congratulations have been arriving on my doorstep for a week. Most were from noble men trying to kiss my ass. In hopes of bribing their daughter into my royal household, when I am crowned Queen.

"Your quite today, my dear." My mother spoke, drawling me away from my deep thoughts. She walked over sitting next to me in the garden. Her laddies joined my laddies in the far distance at another lounging area.

"Just worrying about things." I huffed out staring into the distances. "You mean Anne?" My mother spoke up once more. I nodded my head in response. She huffed out a sight of breath.

"I know you care deeply about your sister, but she made her choice. Now we must move forward without her and focus on the bright future. Your wedding is one of those good bright things." She gently gripped my chin making me look at her.

" I just feel like I'm betraying her, mother." I truthfully spoke. My mother gave me a enduring smile, showing me she understood how I was feeling.

"Anne will be thankful for it. Your saving our families reputation and her daughters life. Elizabeth could of been thrown in the dirt, for all we know." My mother was right, but I still felt guilty. I fell in love with her husband for god sakes and now I am marrying him. Replacing her as Queen. Making her daughter, my niece a bastard.

"Will you attend the execution?" My mother spoke pulling me from my thoughts, again.

" Not sure Anne will even want me there, but I do plan on trying to get an audience with her. Though I doubt she'll want to see me." I looked down into my lap fiddling with my fingers.

"Don't be silly, dear. Anne will understand, if she doesn't that's on her." My mother bluntly spoke, waving her hand in the air. But it dose matter, to me at least.

If Anne can't forgive me for the choice I made. I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself. Anne and I use to be very close tell we went our separate ways in life, for her queenship, mine traveling.

The rustle of gravel caught both my mothers attention and mine. We looked towards the entrance gate to see a group of English royal guards riding into the grounds of Hever. With a carriage following in pursuit.

"I wonder who that could be?" My mother questioned standing up making haste towards the commotion of horses. Her laddies followed quickly behind her. I stayed behind, not bothered by the unexpected arrival of guests.

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