~ Chapter 2 ~

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~ Elizabeth ~

I slowly procced my short strides down the seemingly never-ending long hallways. After all the time I have spent my summers and winters at this magnificent palace. I always seem to get lost within these walls. The hallways filled with soft laughter and smells of expensive wine and bubbly scents.

Many noblemen passed by me with one or many mistresses on their arms. Many tip me a crown or two shushing me with their finger as a sign to not speak of my witnessing of their infidelities.

" Elizabeth Boleyn!" I heard a deep slurred voice called out my name from behind. I swiveled my body in a quick motion to face the mysterious voice calling out my name. A small smirked tugged on my lips as I realized who's it was.

" Well, if it isn't the one and only Charles Brandon!" I softly spoke with a touch of tease laced in my voice. I was cheerful over the recognition of a familiar face. His tall rough figure gently hugged my small frame. He picked me off of my feet and spun me a few times making me a ball of giggles.

" Put me down Charles, please!" I yelled in laughter trying to grasp my way out of his strong arms. He slowly let my feet drop back down to the floor as he let me go. He held out his arm for me to take. I placed my hand within the craves of his arm as he guided me down the hallway.

" How was France?" He questioned with curiosity. It had been almost two years since I last seen Charles and I must admit he was one of the few people I missed as I traveled.

" It was beyond what I could imagine, but it was time to come home to England. Plus, I may have missed you and your annoying stories." I giggled slightly at my own comment. Charles just rolled his eyes playfully before speaking once more. " Well, I'm glad your back. Court has been such a bore since you left."

" Surprised you haven't found a new duchess to bore you more children yet" I stopped walking turning to face his dark brown eyes. My curiosity did get the better of me as I was questioning why Charles hasn't married again. He lost his son mere years ago due to an Unkown cause. I know deep down his want for another child, but he is afraid to lose another child again.

" When the time comes Elizabeth, I will remarry and have many sons and hopefully a daughter or two." he spoke leaving the subject at that. I didn't push any farther knowing it will just cut open old wounds. " How about you, any new suitor catch your eye yet?" Charles asked after a few moments in quiet.

" I wish, but you know my father. Always using his daughters as advantage in gaining power and wealth. He will keep me husbandless intel the right suitor comes along. That will gain my family more power and wealth then it already has." I truthfully spoke the sadden truth.

My two sisters and I have always been pawns in my father's games. He uses us to his advantages and his advantage only. Like his marriage to my mother gained him a reputation and more wealth. Which later provide useful in slithering his way into the king's inner circle.

" Sadly, I have witnessed these accounts with my own set of eyes." Charles quietly agreed with me looking over my shoulder. I turned to see what has caught his attention only to notice the devil himself walking towards us.

" Papa." I spoke in a nonchalant tone of voice as he approached us. He has changed quite physical since the last time I seem him. His hair had tuned to white as the wrinkles on his face made him look older than his age.

" Your grace." He bowed towards Charles. It was clear he had no interest in bowing towards what her father would call a "useless Duke with no meaning of life". He turned his attention to me before stepping forward embracing me in a tight unloving hug. " My dear Elizabeth, oh how you have grown since the last time I seen you!"

His pretend act of love towards me did not go unnoticed as his tone of voice showed his true emotion under his skin. I used to pray to God when I was a little girl to give me a father that truly loved me for my wits and perks and not on what I could provide for him.

My childhood was based on the way my father wanted me to live and act. So, when I got the chance to travel the world, I took it without a second thought to my mind. My sisters and I have struggled with the pains of that man being our father.

My brother was the lucky one he was born with the identity of a male. My father always let my brother do what he pleased and without any consequences. My sister Anne was also in luck of being giving Queenship for my father could now not dare to speak against her or talk to her in a hostile way.

" Do you mind if I barrow my daughter, your grace." My father gritted his teeth speaking towards Charles as he reached for my arm. Charles reading my mind like an open book grabbed my other arm and pulled me gently away from my father. " Actually, I do mind we are currently in the middle of an important conversation. I will personally escort the Lady Elizabeth to the Queen once we are finished." 

My father gritted his teeth harder but nonetheless left us be slowly walking away disappearing once he turned a corner. " Thank you, Charles." I spoke showing my appreciation.

" Don't thank me, that is what friends are for Beth." He spoke using my old nickname he uses to always call me before I left England.

"Ugh, I thought you would have forgotten about that nickname by now." I grumbled loudly which just made him smirk.

" Nope, and never will." he laughed before gently pulling me toward the direction of my sister's personal Quarters.


Hey readers 👋,

Sorry it took me SOOO long to update I have been really busy. I am goanna try my best to post chapter three as soon as possible :)

How did you like the second chapter of "The Tudors" ------------------------->

Any suggestions for future chapters ------------------------------->

Bye for now!!!!!

~ | The Tudors |~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora