~ Chapter 6 ~

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May, 1536; Windsor Castle, England

~ Elizabeth ~

"Henry, slow down!" I shouted with laughter. Henry sped down the dirt paths on his horse. I on the other hand was a bit tad slower and was having a hard time keeping up.

" Never! You gotta keep up." He laughed out, as he continued his speedy pace.

" I can't! Plus we need to get back, I'm sure my sister and your mistress miss your presence." I teased making him stop in his tracks. He rode back to me circling around me.

" You know I would drop mistress Seymour in a heartbeat, if you'd just agree to be my new one." He teased this time with a smirk, still circling around me. I had to keep adjusting my head to follow his movements.

" And I explicitly remember telling you that I would never betray my sister, she is your wife after all. Plus I like our flirty, yet harmless friendship." His eyes flashed a hurt expression over my words, but composed himself before speaking.

" I have a gift for you, follow me." He picked up speed once more, galloping down the dirt paths. I tapped the sides of my horse urging it to follow in suite.

I made my way next to him, riding side by side with one another. Once we made it inside the gates a young stable boy grabbed the reigns from us. Henry jumped off his saddle coming over to help me down.

He gripped under my armpits lifting me down onto my feet. " Thank you, Henry." He smiled in response grabbing onto my hand gently.

He guided me into the castle. We walked down the more excluded parts of the castle, were many don't enter. Henry opened a door that lead to his study.
He let go of my hand and motioned me inside.

When I walked in I seen Mr. Cromwell opening documents, laying them down on the long dark mahogany table. That was in the middle of the room with many chairs surrounding it.

"Mr.Cromwell, I believe you remember the Lady Elizabeth Boleyn." Henry spoke, drawing Mr.Cromwell attention from his task at hand.

"Of course, M'i Lady." He bowed. I have known from the past that Thomas Cromwell and my sister our not on so friendly terms. She believes he will revolt against her and our family.

Though I have learned not to judge or assume things about a person, by what other people say and think.

"What is all this?" I questioned to Henry. Gesturing with my pointer finger at the documents laying on the table.

He smiled brightly coming over and standing behind me. Setting his rough masculine hands on my shoulders. He brought his lips to my ear and whispered. "It your gift." He soft voice sent shivers down my back.

Confusion glimpsed on my mind as I stared at the documents from a far. Henry like a mind reader, sensed my confusion. " Remember when we had our first dance and I promised you two things. Well I'm granting you one of those promises."

He let go of my shoulder walking toward the table eyeing all the documents. "Come here." He motioned me with his hand.

I curiously walked over examining the documents, like Henry was. It dawned on me as I read the title of each document. "Are these all the vacant entitlements in England?" I questioned looking at Henry in shock.

He guided his hand across each scroll. "The far left document are low status titles and as you travel to the right, the titles become significantly higher in status. I was think of given you a dukedom of your choosing, what do you think?" He questioned.

"Me? A duchess, Henry don't you think the dukedoms should go to more deserving people? I was thinking a baroness or even maybe a viscountess." I spoke in disbelief. I didn't deserve that kind of a title. There are more deserving people of that honor. Not some silly young girl.

"Nonsense, Elizabeth! You deserve it as much as anyone, and a baroness or viscountess is such a low status title. Especially for a high status women like yourself." Henry spoke gently gripping my chin making me look at him.

" His majesty, is correct. With you sister being the Queen consort, the only entitlements suited for you would be a dukedom or an earldom." Cromwell spoke. I startled a bit at his voice, as I forgot he was still present in the room.

I huffed in defeat, as it was no use to argue with the King. Though the thought of having a dukedom
of my own, thrilled me. As my father could no longer make decisions for me. I would be able to be independent and make choices for myself.

" Which dukedom do you think would fit me best, Henry?" I questioned looking over the vacant dukedom titles.

" I was thinking the dukedom of Clarence, it has been vacant for many decades, and I also thought of gifting you the Eltham palace." He pointed towards the Clarence title on the document.

"Wasn't the last person to receive that title, a York Prince?" I asked with curiosity.

" Yes, George Plantagenet. A matter of fact Eltham palace was built by his brother, King Edward IV." Henry spoke turning his attention from the document to me.

" Are you sure Henry, I mean I would be perfectly happy with a low status title." I looked into his eyes as I spoke.

" I'm sure, you deserve it. Plus with that kind of title, it will surely bring many potential suitors for you to chose from."

A big smile bursted o ton my face as I engulfed Henry in a air tight hug. "Thank you, Henry!" I shouted in joy looking into his deep ocean blue eyes. I don't know what came over me, but the next thing I knew I was connecting my lips with his.


Hey Readers 👋,

I Hope you enjoyed reading Chapter 6!!!!!!

I am going to try to post a new chapter tomorrow. if I don't get to it, I will post on Friday for sure. I am also gonna try to post between 2-3 or more chapters this weekend, will see.

Bye for now!!!

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