19. Chimon

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How long has it been? 10 days? Approximately yes.

Perth accompanies me to cafeteria for lunch and takes me with him for dinner daily.

I urged him to divide the pays. So now we pay alternatively.

But it is still not believable for me. Because the scary part is I am getting used to this.

I NEVER once imagined myself in any sort of relationship. I don't even know what a relationship means.

But now suddenly there is this one person who notices me, smiles at me, texts me, calls me, thinks of my well-being and even nags me when I am not eating or thinking about work.

It feels like...

Almost like...

"Chimon!" Perth called out when I was lost standing on the exit waiting for him to drive me to dinner as usual.

How soon has this become my routine?

But what I did not notice was I was so lost that I was getting drenched in rain and I had no idea.

Perth came out running from his car holding an umbrella.

"What are you doing? You will catch cold." He pulled my hand with him shielding me with an umbrella and opened the car door for me. "Get in."

I looked down at myself and then at his car. "It will all get wet and stained."

He grimaced. "Is it more important than you?" He frowned. "Get in fast."

I reluctantly got into the car and Perth immediately got into the other side throwing his umbrella behind. He leaned close to me and opened the deck drawer and pulled out a few tissues. "I just have this right now. But let's go to my place first. It's nearby. I am afraid you will catch cold."

Like an idiot I kept looking at him while he started driving.

It's not like I haven't observed him before. But he is too handsome. He always wears clothes that enhances his looks. His accessories too are all just making him look more dashing than he already is. But even if he won't have a pierced ear or that chain or that watch or any kind of branded stylish clothes, he himself is too gorgeous.

I wish I could be even ten percent of how he looks.

And that thought made me doubt myself again. How can someone like him, like someone like me?

How will we ever sit next to each other. Even now when we go out for lunch and dinner, people look at him and pretend like I don't exist. And look at him like he is the only person in the world.

Will I not bring him down?

Is there even a point in thinking about this?

And even if I consider Perth's feelings to be genuine, they can be the result of seeing me helping others for the time being.

Maybe he has not found someone who is kind AND good looking.

And so he is confused.

"Hey..." I was interrupted by Perth who was looking at me confused. He was holding the door open for me. "Are you ok? Are you feeling cold?"

He looked so concerned that I felt guilty in that moment for doubting him.

I am debating so much internally since last few days.

Nobody has treated me the way he does. The natural reason why I am already attracted to him.

His condo itself is bigger than my real house back in small town.

We are not even a match for each other if I consider financially.

"You can wear these." He brought a pair of slippers for me to change into.

I gulped at the hospitality when I saw him running in and returning with a towel.

He held me by my shoulder and made me turn to him and started drying my hair.

I kept looking at him. This kind of face... my mom used to make when I used to come back drenched. Because she loved me. She was always worried for me.

"You can change into my pyjamas, Chimon. Even your clothes are all drenche..." Perth stopped speaking when he saw my shirt clinging to my chest and became translucent.

He gulped and looked up meeting my eyes.

His eyes were different now. I may not have dated before, but I understand that look. I understand his gaze and the wavering eyes which he is holding back.

And the problem is now that he is leaning towards me slowly, I am not able to find the will in myself to back away anymore.

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