8. Perth

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"Hey... Hey! HEY!" I yelled and immediately held the plate that was about to fall off. The guy who was holding it, suddenly passed out mid-sentence.

"Chimon!" I called out and held him by his shoulders. But he was unconscious.

"DOCTOR!" I yelled. "DOCTOR COME FAST!" I yelled louder.

"Chimon!" Nanon came running into the room followed by Ohm.

"What happened?" Ohm asked me.

The doctor came running as well. "What happened?" He too asked the same thing.

"He just... Passed out mid-sentence. He was eating fruits and then..." I blabbered while the doctor checked.

"Relax. He just dozed off due to medicines and weakness." The doctor said while checking his pulse. He then smiled at us. "He is fine. Don't worry."

I was internally trembling. For a second I was scared. I don't know what had happened to me. I was just not myself. I got so scared that I panicked.

"Thank you doctor." Nanon said.

The doctor nodded and looked at his watch. "The visiting hours are over. Only one person can stay with the patient at night." He said and left with a brief smile.

"Now that he is asleep, I guess I will go to sleep too." Nanon said pointing to the couch where I observed a pillow and blanket. They looked familiar. Of course. They are Ohm's.

"Are you sure you will be fine staying here alone at night?" Ohm asked.

"C'mon. I am not a kid. And besides they will discharge him in the morning." Nanon shrugged. "You guys should leave."

I nodded briefly but all the while I was looking at the guy who was fast asleep.


"You are not your usual self." Ohm pointed when we were in his car. He asked his driver to bring my car along and insisted me to drive with them as he did want to me drive.

I agreed because I was confused too.

"I just thought he died for that moment." I blabbered.

"Bullshit!" Ohm chuckled. "You should have seen your face. However, you should see his face too."

I turned to look at him now with a frown. "What do you mean?"

"Have you seen him properly? Do you ever observe him? I mean, I have seen him so many times yet I tend to forget him. He is so forgettable."

Something is weird with me. Ohm's words are not making sense. I should laugh along with him right now. But I am unable to.


The next day I reached office and as soon as I saw Mr. Aniret on the entrance he bowed to me with a huge grin. "Good morning Sir."

I smiled at him briefly nodding. "Good morning Mr. Aniret. Hope you are in good health."

"Yes, thank you." He said and immediately turned to bow to the next person entering. I walked ahead and thought about how I saw Chimon here a few days ago standing with Mr. Aniret.

I walked ahead towards the elevator and an image of Chimon arguing with Por and his dad flashed in my mind.

When I reached up my office, the image of Chimon walking across the lobby with a pile of files flashed before me.

I can't believe it. I am seeing him everywhere. Near the coffee machine, in the cafeteria, in all cubicles, in the staircase, he is everywhere.

I rub my eyes and he disappears.

His oily sleeked-up hair, his big round glasses, his weird oversized clothes, his freckled face, always tired and dull expressions, his attitude towards everyone, why the hell do I have it all framed in my mind? Like his pictures reside in me.

I close my eyes, I see him. I open my eyes I see him. I hear his name and my concentration is gone.

He is a guy and even if I could have been a Bi despite my knowledge, I am not sure if this kind of a person can even occupy my mind.

Then why?

Just... Why?

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