16. Perth

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Say yes... Please... I kept chanting in my mind looking at him adjusting his glasses with that same confused look on his face.

Please say yes Chimon, I have been waiting two hours for you to be free from work in this car. I even made Ohm call you to confirm. But I realised you leave after President leaves. And so as soon as he left the building, I made Ohm call you and was ready here.

Now if you say no, I will be heartbroken.

"I... Actually I am headed to same direction." I bluffed when he did not move.

"How do you know where I... Oh... Sorry... Nanon." He said and... shit what is it? Am I hallucinating or is he flustered?

He hesitantly opened the door and sat. I can see he is looking around at the people looking at us. But do I care? No. All I care about the new thing I have observed. Behind those big round glasses, there is a pink tone in those cheeks.

I gripped the steering wheel tight because my heartbeat right now is out of control.

"I need to buy chicken wings for Nanon on the way." He said.

I snapped out of my thought trail and turned to him nodding. "Sure." I am not even sure if I am smiling right now or simply being stupid.

I have never felt this way with anyone before.

This is new and this is exciting. For the first time I am nervous. And it's tingling.

"You have a nice car. This is a latest model also." He said.

"Uh... Haah... Yeah..."

He looked at me and then turned away.

What kind of response was that? Idiot Perth!

"So... Chimon..." Since I missed the small talk he initiated, I will have to initiate again. I can't let this opportunity slip. "How is the president's floor treating you?"

I never knew he could smile that wide. He turned to me with that smile and I had to look away to make sure I don't bump my car into anyone.

"It's so nice to work there. President is sincere and determined. As well as a good listener. He is thorough with his work and is very punctual too. I am learning a great deal under him. He treats me well too. I am really happy to have got a chance to work there." He said.

I grinned and turned to look ahead.

Fucking hell! I am jealous of a 50-year-old man. I couldn't believe myself a few days ago. But now, I don't even know how much more do I like this guy here to be not willing to share him with anyone.

But that aside, his comfort, his smile, his excitement is all so fulfilling. He was suffering so much when he was working in HR and Accounts. I am so glad.

"It's good to know you are enjoying. Let me know whenever you need my help."


"I mean... As a friend I can help you."


I kept on trying to find means to please Chimon. However, he now seems to get suspicious about the bouquets and meals. And my exact timing for being there to drop him is too obvious

But the way he reacts is so cute!

He argues, he is cute; he writes, he is cute; he adjusts his glasses, he is cute; he walks around in puffed up clothes, he is cute; his face lit up when he gives an idea; he is cute; he stuffs food in his mouth, he is cute.

No matter what he does... He is cute!

"Perth? PERTH!" Someone called me and I was startled. I turned to look at the eyes looking at me from behind the big round glasses. And then I saw where he was looking at.

Shit, while drooling at him, I forgot that I was holding the bouquet in my hand.



We both looked at each other in complete silence.


We were on a bridge after the end on the day. We did not speak but I as my usual routine, I asked him if I can drop him. And he agreed. Then he did not say a word in the way and suddenly asked me to stop in between a bridge. And so we are standing here looking at the canal side by side.

I am too nervous to speak so I am giving him all the time.

"Are you messing with me?" He finally spoke.

I turned to him confused. "What?"

"After encouraging me and making me feel like I finally have a friend in office, are you now messing with me like others? What are you trying to do?" He asked.

And I saw his teary eyes. He was on the verge or crying anytime. His face had turned red with anger.

I really did not think this through. If I think from his perspective, he is absolutely right.

For someone who has been continuously bullied... I face palmed thinking what terrible mistake I made.

"Look, it's fine. You have helped me a lot. So I won't hold it against you. But after this. Let's stop talking. Anyway we are not good match to be friends. I am Mr. Ugly and you are Mr. Handsome. We are like poles apart." He blabbered. Tears dripping down his face.

But all I am thinking is what to say to him to make him understand myself?

I don't want to give an excuse. I don't want to make him feel bad.

"So please... Just please... Stop your attics and leave me alone. You can say it to whoever you have had a bet with that I was fooled and you won. Ok?" He said and wiped his face.

"I'll walk from here. Thank you for the ride." He started to walk away when I held his hand.

I am feeling so many emotions right now but one is the strongest. And that is the emotion that I want to hold on to.

I pulled him into a hug.

He instantly started pushing me. "Perth what..."

"I like you." I said.

He paused.

"I like you, Chimon." I repeated and pulled back.

We stayed like this for a moment before he finally pushed me with force.

We looked at each other, both with teary eyes.

His were because he was still unable to believe me I guess and me because I couldn't believe I said it out loud. The thought of losing him made me say it. And now that I have said it, I am going to act it.

Mr. Ugly, I Like You!!!Where stories live. Discover now