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sebastian hayes 

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2 - 0. 

Fuck yeah, baby! First match of the season, a win. There couldn't be a better start of the school year, honestly. We just won this game, I already talked to Loïse who is now sitting in the stands with June, in their regular seats. I look at her through my helmet and notice her wide smile when the ref whistles and announces us the winners of the game. 

I smile at her and she gives me one of her shy waves. I get slapped on my shoulder, pretty goddamn hard, and turn around to see Dean standing there, grinning like a little kid who just opened his birthday present. 

"Well played, asshole", he jokes. I give him a playful push and he skates off the ice rink. We take off our skates and follow the rest of the group to the locker rooms. Everyone is jumping around and shouting and just celebrating our win. It's a fucking amazing feeling. 

Even as we get into the showers, everyone's still singing. I follow Elias when he's done showering and we put on some clothes.

"Hey man, I was thinking", Elias starts. "We can't leave this win uncelebrated right? So I thought we could throw a party at the dorm house. It's a Friday night, everyone wants to party, it's just... good, you know?"

I chuckle and nod my head in approval. "Yeah, we should do that. Are you gonna tell the guys to come over to ours for that party, then?"

"Party? What party?", I hear. I cock my head and see June walk in. A small smile spreads across my lips, as I wait for Loïse to follow shortly behind her friend. 

"Yeah, we're throwing this party to celebrate our win", Elias explains, after kissing June on the lips. 

"Ooh, sounds fun! Can I come too?", she asks. Elias nods his head and kisses her again. He's too in love with that girl. And he deserves it. 

I wander to the guest-entrance of the locker room, where June and Loïse usually walk out, to see if she's somewhere around there. 

"Oh, are you looking for Loïse?", June asks. I nod my head without taking my gaze off the door. "Uhm, she went  home, Seb. She told me there was still a lot she had to do."

"Oh, right. Yeah, that's fine", I lie, ignoring the sting that June's words send through my chest. She looks at me, worried and asks if I'm fine. I just nod my head and put on my sweatshirt. I take my bag and get up to leave. There's no point in me staying here if Loïse's not here either. 

"Do you want me to text her to come to the party, too?", June asks before I can walk out. I clench my jaw and nod my head. 

"Yeah sure. See you tonight."

.  .  .  .  .  .

The dorm is filling up with people. Hockey players, girls and others who also go to NYU. I look back every time I hear girls walking in, hoping it would be June with her friends. She texted me earlier that Loïse would want to come to the party, but not too long. I don't care, just 10 minutes with her would make this day a whole lot better already. 

I keep sipping from my beer, even though it doesn't taste good tonight. Suddenly, I feel a rough pat on my back from Dean. 

"Man, look at you sitting here all pitiful and shit", he sighs, shaking his head. "You should come dance with me and some chicks out there!"

I shake my head. "Nah, thanks. I'm waiting for someone."

"Loïse?", he chuckles. I hum in approval. "Yeah, Elias told me that June and her friends would be here late, because there was some kind of thing going on. So, I wouldn't wait 'cause you never know how long it can take you."

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