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Herslvt Speaks 🕺🏾

Omg hey 😘 this was originally a Halloween chapter so some stuff might not make as much sense but I feel like you guys will still like it.

Today was the Christmas party and somehow I was dragged into decorating. The party was always thrown by the current seniors of that year and me being a senior this year I was forced to help. Luckily one of the boys on the basketball team offered up one of the frat houses for us to throw the party at. I'm glad I was able to help because there weren't too many seniors who were willing to. It was just like me and probably 6 others. I took this time to talk to Nika more since she was here helping and let's just say it was definitely an experience.

"Y/n where is the rest of the tinsel?" Nika asks. "Paige is the last one to have it," I say. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Paige in a minute. The party was going to start in like an hour and we still were putting up decorations. "Has anyone seen Paige?" Azzi asks walking into the house. "She was just in here," Karly says. "Well we don't have time to look for her, hopefully, she shows up," I say. It would be smart for someone to just call her but I'm just going to assume she wasn't answering her phone.

We all continued to decorate the house finally finishing shortly before people started to arrive. "This is niceeee," Tatum says walking into the kitchen. The lights were now off and the lights we'd brought illuminated the room. Everyone started filling into the house, I was amazed by the creativity of some of these sweaters. I also was glad to see that everyone who walked in had some type of food with them. We saw some pretty interesting sweaters including the one previously mentioned that me and Ice did not buy. "This is hilarious," Tatum says snapping photos as people walked in. Somehow she ended up being the designated photographer for the night.

Sometime later Paige and Azzi finally arrive, this time together. I was going to speak to them but Paige just completely brushed past me ignoring me. I was kind of hard to miss considering I'm literally standing at the door greeting people as they come in. Tatum looks at me funny and I just shrug my shoulders. I have no clue what her problem was. After a while me and Tatum take a break from picture taking pictures and join everyone else. "Y/n please tell your sister that her and KK's sweaters aren't better than ours," Aaliyah says. "I don't know man, the Santa and his elf kinda goes crazy," I say making her groan. "Okay but ours is funnier," Caroline says making a valid point. "We'll leave it up to the judges," I say walking away laughing.

I go around continuing to enjoy the party. Everyone had a lot of good things to say and I was glad. We really put a lot of effort into it. As I'm walking around I bump into Paige on accident. This time I decided I wasn't going to speak. I just said a quick excuse me before brushing past her. She was being weird and I wasn't gonna deal with it. "Woah what's up with the two of you" Angie asks, guessing she saw what just happened. "Nothing, she probably just isn't in the talking mood." I shrug. "I don't see how!? If I saw the girl I wanted looking this gorgeous I'd jump at the first opportunity to talk to her" Angie says making me laugh. "Well, I guess everyone doesn't think like you Ang," I say. I ended up talking to Angie for a while before Tatum called me over.

"I can't lie, these cookies are kind of good," She says making me laugh. "I'm glad you're enjoying them," I say. "How many photos have you taken tonight?" I ask. She holds up her camera flipping through a few photos. "I've almost filled up this memory card," she says. "well don't use all your memory, you still have to take pictures of the sweater contest" I remind her. I hung out with Tatum for a while until the sweater contest starts which I was supposed to be announcing.

"can all the partner or group sweaters come to the center of the floor please" I say into the mic. I was impressed by all the different group sweaters I saw. "Okay so, each of the 7 judges will submit their vote for their favorite ugly Christmas sweater. The winners will get nothing but it's still fun anyway." I say making some of them laugh. They can get the gratification of knowing they won favorite sweater I guess.

After about 5 minutes the judges all chose their favorite. "So, my personal favorite would have to be the me and Tatum but let's see what the judges have to say" I smile opening the envelope with the winner in it. "Drum roll, please! The winners are..." I paused. "Santa and the Elf" I read aloud. Everyone starts to clap as Kk and my sister walk up. "Congratulations" I smile. I knew they'd probably win, they had probably the funniest sweater of all.

Later that night

Right now there were at least 3 games going on at once. There was a group of people playing cuppong in the kitchen. In the living room, there were people playing card games, and right next to them was a trivia game going on. I ended up sitting on the couch with some of the basketball team.

"Has anyone seen Paige?" Azzi asks. No one has seemed to have seen her for a little while. "I think she's in the restroom," Nika says. "Y/n you mind going to look for me," Azzi asks. I really didn't want to but who was I to say no? "Sure," I say getting up from my spot on the couch. I walk up the stairs toward the bathroom. The door was unlocked so I just opened it walking in.

Love and Volleyball | Paige Bueckers Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon