410. End of War

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The battle between Ben and Acnologia has finally ended. It damaged the battlefield greatly, but it's not that bad considering the level of their battle. Vistarion is gone now, some mountains disappeared, big craters and cracks are everywhere, and the Ethernano in this area is fluctuating as a result of their magic clashes.

People will wonder what kind of battle happened here, but that is good because that means people are still alive. If Ben couldn't stop Acnologia's powerful attacks or his powerful attacks didn't hit Acnologia, then maybe this whole continent would disappear and everyone here would die.

Also, the world might get destroyed if he lost against Acnologia who will get even stronger after defeating him. Acnologia has gotten stronger in this 1 year, so if he gets stronger after defeating Ben, then he would be unstoppable unless a miracle happens or someone with the greatest plot armor of fate appears.

Ben has returned to his human form and now stands in front of Acnologia's corpse which has turned into a human too. He doesn't just look at the mutilated corpse, Ben is storing every part of Acnologia's body in his magic storage.

The corpse of a powerful being like Acnologia can create something unimaginable in this area. Also, Ben doesn't want it to be used by the wrong person. One of the possibilities is someone will use Acnologia's body to become a Dragon Slayer with Acnologia's power.

It is utterly dangerous, so Ben needs to remove that possibility and other possibilities that can happen. That's why he stores Acnologia's body including the blood that seeps into the ground. He also makes sure to get every bit of Acnologia's body that might scatter around the battlefield.

There is a magic spell for that, so he uses it to hasten his work. Learning many kinds of magic becomes very useful in this kind of situation. If he does it manually, then it will take a very long time to finish.

Ben doesn't intend to use Acnologia's body for now. He already gets strengthened after slaying Acnologia because of his trait as a Dragon Slayer. But he doesn't do anything to Acnologia's body even though it can give him more strength because there are still some unknown effects.

When he was absorbing the power of the Dragons he slew, Ben got attacked by the remaining of their souls that were left in their bodies. He could defeat them easily, but it will surely be different with Acnologia. He won't win easily, so he needs to prepare for it if he wants to fully absorb Acnologia's power.

"I can't give this to anyone too because they might get affected by Acnologia's soul and mind, which will be very dangerous. The safest way is by turning him into a Dragon Lacrima first and removing his soul & mind completely from it," says Ben.

After he finished, Ben suddenly falls forward and pants very hard. His injuries might've been healed, but the damage he got didn't just disappear. He is very tired and the accumulated damage comes out at once.

His body looks fine, but he feels pain all over his body now even though there's no injury whatsoever. The damage caused by the battle is still there even though there's no injury left. Also, his transformation into a Dragon is actually taking a toll on his body.

He didn't feel it when he was still a Dragon and the adrenaline from the fight removed the pain. But now when he returns to his human form, he feels the pain emerging. He didn't show it, but Ben was forcing himself to create all those powerful attacks.

As he gets weaker, the binds on the 6 Spriggans who actually survived the destructive battle got weaker too. It doesn't matter though because they can't get away anyway. They got a lot of injuries from the impact of the great battle and some stray spells actually hit them.

Their survival is the best proof of how tough they actually are. They almost died, but they held on and survive till this second. Although the 6 of them are unconscious, they are still alive, so now Ishgar can capture them.

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