Part 30

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Sorry for not updating recently; I've been pretty busy and forgot that I need to write another chapter 😬 I have plans for the weekend so I'm not sure if I'll be able to post until Sunday. So here's a chapter before I get busy again JWJSJW


Last night I heard everything. When Amira came back to lay beside me I didn't say anything. I just held her. Sometimes people just need to be comforted without using words. I didn't want to make her feel worse than she already did.

When we woke up we ate breakfast and helped clean up Amira backyard. Everyone eventually left but i decided to stay a while longer.

Her brothers were gone so it was just Amira and I.
I walk up to the couch where she is laying.

"You can go if you want." She gives me a small smile. "Thanks for the help."

I sit on the end of the couch where her feet lie. I don't intend to leave so I ask her "Are you okay?"

She gets up from her laying position and sits up. "Yea im fine." She lets out a sigh

"Don't." I shake my head "be honest with me okay."

She turns to face me and her eyes begin to water. I move closer to her and she digs her head into my shoulder. She doesn't cry but I hold her until she lets go.

She laughs a little and hides her face into her hands. "I'm sorry it's so stupid I'm just stressed."

I put her hair behind her head so it's not in her face. "It's okay."

She looks up at me. I can tell she wants to say something but she doesn't open her mouth. "If you want to say something say it." I lean in closer.

"I don't want to talk." She looks down to my lips and I do the same to her.

I place my hand behind her head and kiss her. She kisses me back with eagerness. We keep kissing: harder, eagerly, and desirably.

She moves closer to me and I place my hand one her hips. She breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes. "Let's go upstairs."

I look at her. "Are you sure?" She laughs a little and blushes. "It's just so my brothers don't walk in from the front door and see us making out."

I nod and we head upstairs. I was not exactly thinking what she was but either way I'm okay with it. She closes the door and our lips find eachother again.

This time she's less careful. She runs her hands up to my face and we begin kissing harder as we walk towards the bed. She lies down and I'm on top of her.

I break the kiss and move her hair out of her face. "Can I be your boyfriend ?"

Her eyes beam and she smiles. "I'm not sure my brothers would like that.." she kisses me again.

"But yes." I kiss her neck and she stops me by cupping my face and pulling it up to meet her eyes.

"But one thing." I smirk. "Anything."

"You have to treat my friends with the same respect you treat me." She scrunches her nose and smiles.

I chuckle. "Anything else?" I place another kiss on her neck.

"Buy me ice cream." I laugh against her skin. "Yes ma'am"


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