Part 17

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I've been contemplating all day. Andela and Zina are at my house and I've just told them about the party... and then number...

"COME ON WE ALL KNOW YOU LIKE HIM! TEXT HIM!!" Zina yells from my bed.

"No seriously!" Andela jumps on the bed with her. I get up from my chair and sit next them on the bed.

"Are we going to the party tho?" Andela and Zina look at each other and then back at me.

"Only if you want."

"I'm going to have to have to ask Noah first... he's probably going to say no."

Zina roles her eyes. "Just sneak out."

"I cant." Andela sighs "ask him. If he says no, sneak out. You're a teenager! Do teenager things!" Andela falls back on my pillow.

We hear a knock at the door. "Come in!"
Noah walks in. "Okay girls sorry to cut your little hang out shot but it's 9pm and y'all have school tomorrow." Zina sighs and gets up. "Okay grandpa."

Noah messes with her hair as she leaves the room. Andela gets up from the bed and hugs me goodbye.
But before she leaves she whispers in my ear. "Text him or I will for you." She smirks before leaving.

"And you go to bed." Noah points to me and closes the door as he leaves. I hear Andela and Zina pull out of the driveway. I go into the washroom and brush my teeth and wash my face. I change into my pjs and get into bed.

I'm about to sleep until I hear I sound at my window. I'm so scared I'm not sure what to do. I get up slowly and start walking towards the door just incase someone walks in and I have to run. But I see Blake's face in the small gap between my window and the blind.

I let out a big sigh of relief. I thought I was going to die. I walk up to the window and open it. "What the hell are you doing! You gave me a heart attack!" I whisper scream at him.

He walks into my room closing the window behind him. He leans against the wall and smirks. "You seem fine to me."

I role my eyes at him and he starts walking towards my bed. "Seriously what are you doing here?"

"I didn't get a call or text from you." He turns to the note I left on my nightstand. "I see you got it."

I sigh and sit on my bed. "I still have to ask my brother if I can go." Blake chuckles. "Why it's not like he's your dad."

I look away from him. I'm not sure he knows that Noah technically takes care of me like a dad. And im not going to tell Blake that my dad is 6 feet under.

"Did I say something rude?" I shake my head "no.. it's just complicated"

He sits beside me on the bed. "How come." I look at him for a second and then turn back to face the ground.

Blake places his hand on my bare thigh "you don't have to tell me anything. I understand that you have to talk to your brother first..."

I cant think straight right now. His hand is on my thigh. My bare thigh. My heart is starting to beat way faster now.

I don't know what got over me but I stand up and sit on his lap. He looks at me in confusion. I look down towards his lips and back up to his eyes. He does the same. He smirks and grabs my hips and pulls them closer towards his body.

I lean in closer connecting our lips together. His hand begins moving up my back as we kiss harder. He finds the strap of my bra and tries taking it off. I break the kiss and look at him in shock.

"My brothers..." he moves his hand under my bra instead. "Not here.. got it." He whispers as he proceeds to kiss my neck.

I feel a weird feeling go through my body and I connect my lips to his again. We keep kissing until we hear footsteps coming upstairs. I break the kiss and tell him to hide in my closet.

When he gets in I close the door and run to my bed before someone walks in. I'm under the blankets by the time Luca walks in.

"Everything okay? I thought I heard something?" I look up from the bed acting like nothing happened

"Uhm no everything's fine I'm going to bed." I lay my head back on my pillow.

Luca looks around the room before looking back at me. "Okay... goodnight."

He closes the door and walks away. I tiptoe out of my bed towards the closet.

Blake walks out and looks down at me. "It's late you should probably get going."

Blake moves a strand of hair away from my face and nods. "Okay.. don't forget to text me." He smiles and begins walking towards the window.

When he's outside he turns around as I walk up to the window. "I'll ask Noah about the party; and I'll let you know what happens." I whisper before blake smiles and leaves.


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