Chapter 54

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Leah POV

When I open the door, I think that my legs are going to give up on me. My hands are shaking, but I can't stop them. I can hear my heart pounding in my chest, I can feel it. But for some reason, when I see Lucas tied to a chair looking like he was dipped in red paint, it all fades away.

His head is hanging down on his chest, but when he hears the door lock, he manages to look up at me. Our eyes meet, and the god-awful smirk he pulls brings a nagging thought comes to mind.

This is the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with?

He never gave me what I wanted. He gave me what he assumed  I wanted. He never asked. The fact that I stayed with him for so long when I had the chance to fight back was not because of him, but the thought of him. I thought we were perfect for each other, I thought we could fix any mistakes, and I thought his apologies were real.

But seeing him here, sitting in front of me and still putting himself above me, it changes everything I used to think.

And I'm disgusted.

"Hey, baby," his voice croaks, proudly, smugly. Pathetically. "I knew you missed me."

"I didn't miss you."

"Then why are you here?" My hands fisted at my sides and his grin grew. "See? You miss me."

"I don't miss you."

"Don't lie–"

"You were a big part of my past." I can't let him get to me. "You've stained my memories for years, and you've ruined my relationships and you've ruined me."

I risk a step closer. "My life – my past, future, even right now, everything has changed because of you. Because you needed to feel good about yourself. To be above someone. Because you're a monster."

My nails claw into my skin as Lucas bears his teeth in a smug grin.

"Don't make me blush."

"I'll make you bleed."

"Ooh, kitten's got some claws." He leans closer, despite the ropes keeping his limbs tied to the chair. "You can't even defend yourself in an argument. How will you make me blee–"

My hand collides with his cheek, and he falls to the floor with a thud. The chair splinters under his weight and the stone floor, and I relish in the sound of his pain.

"I've made you bleed before, and I can do it again. So shut your fucking mouth." I can't even recognise my voice anymore. It sounds deeper, more violent somehow. Like a part of Lucas has burrowed inside me and taken over.

His chest heaves with a sigh and his jaw clenches tightly, but he doesn't respond.

"I used to defend you. When people judged you, I always defended you, even though they didn't know what you did to me when we were alone.

"I know how to fight, but I never used it against you. Because I was too scared. I was scared and stupid. But not anymore. In fact, I feel so happy that I don't have to worry about you for the rest of my life."

"Then why aren't you smiling?" His cold eyes stare at me from the floor, and I feel a shiver run down my spine. "I mean, misery looks hot on you, but that face doesn't scream happy."

"Because you don't deserve to see me happy. It doesn't matter what you say, you can't take this away from me." Lucas doesn't respond, but the smile tugging at his lips is obvious.

I sigh. "You're a monster, and I'm happy knowing that you'll suffer at the hands of my favourite person."

I leave it at that. I walk to the door, and my hand reaches for the handle, and then his voice calls out.

"Say what you want, but you'll never be able to forget me." Lucas looks up at me with an unnerving smile. "And that's a win for me."

My fist aches with the urge to punch him again, but I resist. Barely. Instead, I turn around and make my way back toward him.

"I know I can't. But I have people who will distract me. I have Mary, and Theo, Clarke. Romero, sometimes, too." All the anger in my body starts to fade and a bright smile tears across my lips. "I have Vlado." I stare down at the devil tied to a chair, my grin unwavering. "And he will give me so many more memories than you ever could."

His face scrunches up in the most satisfying way. "What is that supposed to mean?"

My lips pull into a smirk as I crouch down and lower my voice to a whisper. "Exactly what I said. He will make me happy. Far happier than you ever did, in a lot of different ways. In a lot of different positions, too."

His eyes widen and his lip pulls back in a grimace. "You'll miss me once you two fuck."

"Who says we haven't?" He struggles against his binds and my smile only grows. I stand, taller than I ever had before, like all my doubt and pain has been passed from me to the man at my feet.

"I'll let Vlado know he can finish his work. Have fun living your last few hours." I don't listen to his pleads, no matter how wonderful it feels to hear him groveling. Lucas stops instantly however, when he notices the man on the other side of the door. But my body calms at the sight of this man. Because this man is my lover. This man is my saviour. 

This man is mine.

"What did he say to you?"

"It doesn't matter."

For some reason, I want to wait until we're in a more private place to thank him. I don't want Lucas anywhere near me. I don't get very far when his hand clasps around my wrist and stops me.

His gaze is caring, soft, kind. "Leah. It's alright if you don't want to tell me, but I need to know if he said anything you didn't like."

My heart flutters. "Why?"

"So I can kill him."

I almost scoff. "It looks like you already have."

His eyebrows furrow in such a cute way, that wrinkles the small space of skin between them. "What?"

This time the scoff escapes my lips. "Have you seen what you've done to him? It looks like he's been dragged through hell covered with nails."

Vlado's eyes drag over me slowly, before he quickly straightens his shoulders. "That is not half of what he deserves."

I can't contain my happiness at his words. This is a man who knows what I want. His lips tug upwards, as if he knows what I'm about to do, as I step closer and wrap my fingers through his soft hair. Our lips meet in a gleeful kiss, and the touch of his smiling lips makes my stomach flutter.

"I'm still upset with you." I murmur softly.

"I'm sorry." He hums, never breaking the kiss. "I'm so sorry." He drags me closer and tilts my head back and deepens the kiss.

"Can we go now? Please?"

I don't even notice the tear sliding down my cheek until Vlado wipes it away. "Of course, amore."

Our fingers intertwine, and it lights a spark in me that encourages me to smile at him.

I was wrong before, but now, I'm not. Although our time together has been rocky, I know that Vlado is the man I want to be with. He inspires me to be honest with myself, and I want to inspire him too. I just hope he gives me enough time to do that.

He matches my gaze, and I know that everything is going to be just fine.

As long as I have him, I'm happy.

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