Chapter 19

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Leah POV

I was having the best sleep I had had in a long time. 

Until I was interrupted.

"Leah," a voice whispered. I ignored it and tried to get back to the peaceful darkness.

"Leah..." I groaned in annoyance. 

"Leah!" I woke up completely after that. My arms lifted the top half of my body in a flash. My heart was beating as fast as a racehorse's until I looked around. 

"Amelia," I groaned, "can't whatever this is wait?" My head found its way back onto my pillow and I pulled the blanket over my head. I hummed in content at the warmth.

I heard a muffled 'don't worry, I got this.'

And before I knew it, there was a wave of cold air when the blanket was ripped out of my hands. I groaned louder and moved into a fetal position. 

"Remember when we said we were going to swim? Well, we are going to swim now, Leah, and you are coming with us." I peeked up at the two people standing over me. Mary held the blanket in her hands with a cheeky grin while Amelia stood behind her with a smirk. They both wore bikinis; Mary's red with white spots, and Amelia's white with red spots. They were hidden under white see-through tops.

"I have your bikini right here; now get dressed quickly." We turned our heads to Amelia who held up a pretty navy blue two-piece. 

"Ummm, I'll just wear something else," I said as I pushed myself out of my bed. 

Amelia frowned. "But I bought this one especially for you. Blue suits you so well." She had a pout on her face now. I gave Mary a quick look which she caught. She nodded her head lightly before turning to look back at Amelia.

"Let's just leave her to get dressed. She can choose to wear it or not." Mary said and sent me a wink before she started pushing Amelia gently out of the door. Amelia tried to convince me to wear the two-piece as Mary led her to the door. In a final attempt, Amelia quickly threw the bikini on an empty chair just before she and Mary left the room.

I let out a sigh and headed to my wardrobe, grabbing a white shirt and black shorts before going into the bathroom.

 I made sure to lock the door before I started to change. And then I did something I hadn't done in a long time.

I looked in the mirror.

My almost naked body reflected in the mirror. And it was hideous. Gashes and cuts were scattered on my body, some small, some big. There were long slashes along my torso and one large gash on my left shoulder. They were from earlier in the relationship; when Lucas had started with his violence against me. 

I couldn't help scrutinising every little and every big scar, including the small one on my right eyebrow. 

I hated it. I hated how it made me look. I hated the fact that they would never go away. I hated the fact that they would stay on my body for the rest of my life, and I can't do anything about it. 

I didn't even notice the tears until I felt something wet on my cheek. I quickly wiped them away and applied as much make-up I could on the scars. Thank god for make-up. If it didn't exist, I'd look a lot worse.

I had to buy make-up so often too, considering I was using it to cover all of my marks. I could probably end up broke one day because of it.

I finished covering the scars and let out a sigh before putting on my usual fake smile and joining the others at the pool.

* * * * *

Vlado POV

"What do you mean you couldn't find anything!" I slammed my hands on my desk and eyed the two sitting opposite. Theo shrunk in his seat whilst Romero didn't even flinch.

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