Chapter 40

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Hi, everyone! I just wanted to say sorry for so many delays with chapters recently. Let me know your thoughts, and all of you stay safe, and have a great day!

Leah POV

Time in wherever I was passed slowly. What felt like seconds were minutes, what felt like minutes were hours, and I couldn't figure out what was when and when was what.

I've learned that two times a day, someone would bring me scraps of food and water. At least I think it's two times a day. I couldn't guess from the food if it was night or day, all of it being equal amounts of gunk. It all started to blend together after a while. And it had been a long while.

The cold walls caved me in, the only way out by an equally cold door. I tried a lot of times in a lot of ways, but the door wouldn't budge. And it may as well have been pitch black, because of the dim lighting.

There was a loud click, and I looked up from the furthest corner of the room as the door screeched open. Light seeped into the room, burning my eyes for a moment.

A figure stepped into view, shadows cast all over his features. He didn't stay there for long, bending down just long enough to put today's second meal on the floor lazily, some of its contents spilling. They were there for less than a second before the door slammed shut again.

I listened for the footsteps to fade before I slowly made my way over to the food. I had given up even trying to see if there was something in the food about six meals ago. If they wanted to kill me, they would have done it by now. Did I want them to though?

Yeah, hopefully, they don't consider that.

But I needed to find a way out of here. I've already been here for way longer that I liked. And who knows if anybody was even going to come looking for me. Like Vlado. I don't think I wanted him to find me though. For all I knew, he was just like Lucas. They both seemed kind at the beginning.

I jumped when I heard a click. My heart sped up. I had already gotten my food, what else were they gonna do.

"Hello, amore mio," my heart shuddered, "I see you have gotten your food."

"Stay away from me," I said, trying to blend in with the wall. Lucas didn't falter, taking powerful strides towards me, the light from the open door behind him filling the room.

"That can't be done, amore," he smiled, "I've done a lot to have you again." He crouched down in front of me, and it felt all too familiar for all the wrong reasons.

"You'll understand one day. But for now," he shoved the bowl in front of him, "shut up and do what you're told."

I shook my head as fast as I could. It didn't matter though, because Lucas forced my head agaisnt the wall, and pain shot through my entire body.

"You need to learn to submit, Leah."

"Fuck you," I swallowed.

He sighed. "You remain uncooperative. Do I need to make you?" He pushed the back of my head harder against the wall, his hand gripping onto my forehead so hard it felt like it was going to crack.

My breathing staggered and I forced myself to look him in the eyes. "Fuck. You."

Suddenly my head was no longer against the wall, before a crashing pain took over as Lucas slammed my head against it. I let out a cry as my head throbbed more than before, and Lucas' hands gripped my hair before he pulled me towards him, his mouth by my ear.

"That was the wrong choice, amore."

I whimper as Lucas shook me harshly away from him, giving me whiplash. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for what was to come. But before he landed the blow, footsteps echoed outside the room.

"Ehi, indovina cosa ho scoperto." A deep voice came from the hall outside.

Hey, guess what I found out.

"Non ho intenzione di indovinare, dimmelo e basta." Another voice spoke.

I'm not going to guess, just tell me.

The first voice sighed. "Secondo il nostro informatore, ricordi, Row-

According to our informant, you remember, Row-

"Shut it." I jumoed at the sudden entry of another voice, and I felt Lucas shove me against the wall one last time before walking out. "She understands, idioti."

Lucas  sent me a withering stare over his shoulder before slamming the door behind him, a swift click following.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding. I didn't like the direction that was going.

I needed to get out of here. That much was obvious. But how?

I looked back down at the sloppy stew or whatever it was by my feet. They need to fire their chef if this is their top quality dish.

I looked around, trying to think of anything that could help me, even though the room was bare. The rickety bed came into view, and I looked at it in more detail.

The old bolts. The rusty corners. The shaky bed legs.

Then I looked back at the soup or whatever it was.

Actually, that gave me an idea. But would it work?

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