Chapter III

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Arriving at the campground; 8:34am

Yurie desired to establish her tent prior to embarking on an adventure through the forest, eager to witness its captivating allure, regardless of any hidden dangers.

With no other campers in sight for miles, she questioned whether Christy deliberately selected this location to challenge the notion that the wendigo was merely a fabrication.

She unpacked her spacious two-person tent from my bag, valuing the additional room it provided for her belongings. She took great care in setting it up, ensuring it would provide a safe haven in case of rain. Meanwhile, the rest of the group amused themselves by playfully chasing each other with the largest non-venomous snakes they could find.

7 minutes later...

Her blue tent stood strong and remained upright, unfaltering against the dusty ground. Prior to this achievement, she diligently practiced setting it up at home until the late hours of midnight.

As she confidently walked towards towards Christy, she noticed her brushing off dirt from her shorts. Casually, Yurie inquired, "Did you fall?" Christy responded with a mischievous grin, "Nope, just trying to test if gravity still works." Offering her assistance, Yurie asked, "Do you need any help with anything?" She assured her, "I've got everything under control."

Curiosity arose within Yurie, and she queried, "By the way, was there a specific reason you chose this campground?" Innocently, she smiled and replied, "Uhhh, not really." Disregarding her response, Yure asserted, "We should set up a toilet or some facilities for the girls, while the guys can use the bushes."


Yurie set up a bonfire that Harper had prepared and then proceeded to go around the campground, unfolding chairs and informing everyone about it. Sammy, one of the other individuals present, returned with a s'mores kit and raw hotdogs, while Mason collected long sticks for stabbing the food onto. Yurie opened the twelve-pack of hotdogs and buns, distributing one of each to everyone. It was wise to have extra supplies, as some individuals would undoubtedly end up regretting over-cooking their food to a crisp.

They traditionally shared scary stories around the flickering fire, forgoing tradition didn't feel right. One story in particular caught her attention, as Harper began whispering it to the group. With their mouths full and everyone's focus on her, Yurie listened intently too.

"Once upon a time, a newlywed couple embarked on their baby's first camping trip," she began. As she uttered those first few words, Yurie's hands started trembling and her stomach twisted with unease.

"Unbeknownst to the happy family, they were about to face a terrifying ordeal. They set up their camp in the forest, everything seemingly going well," she continued. "The husband ventured off to gather firewood, leaving the wife and baby vulnerable.

Some believe it was a ravenous bear that savagely attacked and feasted on the couple, somehow sparing the infant. Others claim..." Unable to bear the thought of Harper's story continuing, Yurie abruptly stood up, fighting the urge to lash out at her. She hastily abandoned the bonfire, no longer willing to subject herself to the graphic depiction of her parents' deaths.

She realized that Harper couldn't possibly recall an article from sixteen years ago about her being the baby, as only Christy knew her true identity.

With a heavy heart, she made her way back to her tent, rummaging through the bag in search of her fully charged flashlight. Finally, she triumphantly found it and stepped out of the tent.

The current moment felt ideal for a stroll through the woods, allowing her to clear her mind of all the overwhelming thoughts. Despite it still being early in the night, she was already feeling disheartened and anxious.

She walked confidently along the marked dirt trail, leading the way with her beam of light. The gentle breeze whispered through the foliage, mingling with the satisfying crunch of undergrowth beneath her shoes. Unseen wings fluttered nearby, their rapid beats adding to the symphony of nature that surrounded her. Yurie's senses were heightened, absorbing the countless sounds, scents, and textures that enveloped her.

In that moment, she found perfect harmony with the natural world, wondering if this was akin to the sense of connection that Mason often described. With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes, allowing the positive emotions to surge through her.

As the deadline approached, she discerned an irregular pattern of deep breaths amidst the various sounds around her. She wondered if it was someone else who had trailed behind her or perhaps an animal lurking in the trees. With caution, she called out, "Is someone there?" Anticipating a response or the emergence of a figure. However, there was only silence in return. Tentatively, she directed her flashlight towards the origin of the breathing.

None of the other campers or any animal was responsible. The glow of the flashlight revealed the charcoal fur of the wendigo. She couldn't help but let out a small gasp. They both stood frozen, maintaining unbroken eye contact, for what felt like an eternity. Suddenly, it emitted a terrifying shriek, but she remained silent, calmly placing her empty hand on the mace concealed within her pocket.

According to her grandmother, it was extremely difficult to escape from a wendigo due to their supernatural swiftness and resilience.

With a deliberate and composed manner, she cautiously retreated from the presence before her, maintaining an unwavering gaze. Luckily, it remained stationary, yet its amber eyes remained fixed upon her, closely observing her every movement.

Out of nowhere, a rabbit suddenly emerged and bounded between the two. Seizing the opportunity, the wendigo swiftly captured the rabbit, causing it to squeal as its frail form was ensnared by the creature's skeletal claws.

Capitalizing on the distraction, Yurie swiftly fled from the imminent danger. As she made her escape, the sickening sound of bones grinding together echoed in her ears, indicating the wendigo's voracious consumption of the rabbit behind her.

As the rush of adrenaline surged through her veins, her feet pounded the earth, sending clouds of dust into the air. Determination fueled her legs, urging her to push beyond her usual limits. The only obstacle standing between her and survival was the limitations of her own body.

She could feel her calves growing weary, and she realized that she couldn't guide this creature to the campsite, endangering everyone else. Glancing back, her eyes widened as it closed in, only fifteen feet away. It was clearly outpacing her and it was just a matter of time before it caught up with her.

Her legs throbbed and trembled, finally reaching their limit. Exhausted, she collapsed onto the soft ground, taking her final deep breaths. She knew that she would share the same fate as her parents, becoming another victim unable to satiate the unrelenting hunger of the wendigo.

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