Chapter 42.

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Lily POV

" you don't have to move out... And she zoned out again" I snapped out of it when someone was flicking their fingers infront of my face.

I sighed running my hands through my hair "what were you saying?"

Hands wrapped around my shoulders and by the muscular arms, I knew it was dad and slightly leaned into him "it's only going to get harder, darling"

Yeah, not what I was expecting

Mom was quick to come to my defense "hey, she's already going through a tough time don't make it harder".

Dad putting his hands up in a surrender and went to the fridge "I'm only telling her the truth. Mates don't stay apart this long. it's unhealthy, why can't you just let it be Liliana".

"your dad is right, sweetie. Holding grudges just makes you age faster and you're clearly falling into depression. I thought everything was going great at first, what changed".

"I'm still trying to figure that out too" I said washing out the dishes in the sink.

"In times like this, mature adults should be able to sit down and talk things, fix up what needs to be fixed and get back on track"

I snapped my head at him with a questioning look "are you saying that I'm not mature?"

"All I'm saying is that he has been trying to make an effort".

I felt like I was actually going insane. All I did after my graduation was mope around and hallow into depression eating. Now all I wear are hoodies due to the calories that has built up in my body.

"In normal terms, you're fat. A capital FAT. keeps this up and ruin your health" Reina hissed.

Yeah, she became slight- she became very nasty to me and sometimes it actually hurts.

It's not my fault I eat so much when I'm frustrated and I've been to lazy to hit the gym.

"I'm going out" I announced before going upstairs. I saw the confused but pleased look that mom passed dad.

I went to my room, undressed and stared at myself, truly I had increased by a few pounds which were not too visible yet but would be if I wore a tank top.

I entered the shower, just standing there with my eyes closed and the water droplets touching my skin.

Flashbacks of everything we had were flashing before. Yeah we didn't have that crazy romantic relationship like in the movies but we did have something confusingly special going on.

He trusted me

He... He... He cared

He provided everything I needed

He was there to protect me

Helped me with my powers

His hugs felt so amazing and comfortable

His jealousy was cute

But his his everything.

I snapped my eyes open. I washed myself rather slowly before leaving to brush my teeth again.

I got into my brown hoodie and my knee length jean shorts with my brown flat shoe. I put my hair into my usual messy bun. With minimal makeup on, I grabbed my purse, phone and my keys.

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