Chapter 12.

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🌹Amanda POV 🌹

She's fucking crazy. She has a guy who practically worships her and listens to her every word and she is trying to blow him off.

Staring at her, I came to one conclusion.

She has started having feelings for him.

Kieran is a cold guy due to some certain situations he must have gone through from what I see but he keeps it on the low when he is around her.

I knew there was some wrong with her when she made the phone call outside the spa earlier today and went rambling and questioning the person on the other side of the call, which was obviously Kieran. What she did and how she behaved seemed to make Britney happy and I was not in support of that so I sent her back to her own apartment.

From the window, I saw Kieran making his way towards the stairs which meant he was coming up here.

I did what was best fo me to avoid being entangled in their proposed quarrel, I went into my room and locked the door. I heard the main door open

Lily gave him a spare key of hers

I went to my bed and put on my headphones blasting it loudly to avoid eavesdropping on the conversation and silly me fell asleep.

Lily POV

Under my duvet trying to catch some sleep as Amanda just gave me a full lecture before abruptly leaving my room.

My moment of silence was interrupted by a knock and I knew very well that it was not Amanda. Deciding to ignore it, I put a pillow over my head but it was removed minutes later by Kieran.

"what do you want, Kieran"

"You purposely ignored by text and calls. If you don't want to take the lessons, just say so" he said his cold gaze burning into mine.

"I don't want to talk to you" I said fluffing my pillow to distract myself from him.

"well, you have to. Lesson or no lesson? I have a lot of things to do when I get back"

"you called me a diva."

"you called yourself a diva the first time we met"

"you remembered that" I said and a small smile made its way to my face.

"yes. Now can you answer my question about the lesson"

I wanted to take those classes and I also didn't. Reason being that I wanted to become a better mate for him but also the workload. After school, I'll have to take another round of stress but after Amanda's lecture I decided to take it so I just gave a nod and it clearly satisfied him.

"Get changed and let's go"

"fine, wait in your car"

He went downstairs while I changed into a white trouser and light blue long sleeve top along with my cream purse and heels.

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