Chapter 16.

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Lily POV

"no, no! He is my mate, who do you think you are..."

I jolted up from the bed due to fear from the nightmare which I just had only to see a very tired and worried Kieran.

"Ki-kieran, what are doing here" I said clutching my chest in fear.

"Moonshine?" he sounded so tired. Who knows what time he slept only to wake up and check out what's bothering me.

"Kieran, you scared me".

"Moonshine... what's wrong?" he said heading towards me.

"It's nothing Kieran, just a dream" running my fingers through my hair.

"Just a dream? Do you have any idea how worried I was" he said after a while of calming down "this 'dream' what happened in it"

"I can't remember everything in details but I do remember, finding my dad. His reason for leaving was something lame, he left to keep me safe'. I was so pissed at him that I just stormed off from him then I got attacked very some weird cold creatures. Then this group of old people found me and brought me to you and I was happy that I was with you until they said something about me not being worth enough to rule beside you, so they told you to reject me and mate another girl named Ava-something. The girl was very pretty and I thought she would be on my side but she wasn't. I was scared that I lost you" at this point tears were already rolling my face.


"Yeah" I suddenly brighten up as the name which had been on the tip of my tongue was said "I don't know her but I already hate her".

"No one is ever taking you away from me, okay?" I nodded and scooted over so there can be space for him to lay down. "Let's get you back to bed, you talked about a test earlier today"

"Yeah, you remembered that" I yawned discreetly and laid down snuggling into Kieran's chest as he stroked my back gently and within seconds, I was out like a bulb.

A few days later

I woke up in an empty apartment, Amanda returned the day of the nightmare so I assumed she has already left for school. I went to the kitchen to grab some food and I saw a gorgeous tower of pancakes drizzling with maple syrup and strawberries and a note.

"Chica! Happy birthday. Sorry I'm not around to say it to you but I have a test this morning. Hope 23 pancakes favour your stomach."
Amanda 💖

A smile came to my face and to my luck, the pancakes were still warm.

I wasn't able to finish all of it- well I ate 17 and that's all my stomach could take {a/n; the pancakes are in small sizes not big}

I brushed my teeth and had my bath before leaving to school. I met up with Owen downstairs but he wasn't going to school today, something about him not feeling well but he did wish me "happy birthday".

I was surprised that he knew but when I check my instagram, I saw Amanda had posted it on her page and I got a lot of birthday wishes from all my friends and family.


"... King Luca and Queen Jacqueline the 61st of the royal lineage, King Josh and Queen Sophie the 62nd of the royal lineage, King Kaden and Queen Amber the 63rd of the royal lineage, King Kaden II and Queen Rose the 64th of the royal lineage, King Dominic and Queen Gwendolyn the 65th of the royal lineage, King Cole and Queen Jenny the 66th of the royal lineage, King Austin and Queen Yasmin the 67th of the royal lineage and finally King Kieran Everette the 68th of the royal lineage" I finally finished. This time I had to say unto forty generation of his. It was getting easier by each lesson.

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