Chapter 22: A Mother's Heartache

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Inko Midoriya, Midoriya's mother, arrived at the hospital to visit her son, accompanied by the concerned members of Class 1-A. Her eyes were swollen from countless nights of worry and her heart heavy with the weight of her son's suffering.

As Inko stepped into the room, her gaze fell upon Midoriya, who sat motionless and distant. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she rushed forward, enveloping her son in a tight embrace. "Izuku," she whispered through choked sobs, her voice filled with a mix of love, anguish, and desperation.

But Midoriya remained unresponsive, his hollow gaze fixed upon some unseen point in the distance. It was as if a thick barrier separated him from the world around him, trapping him within a void of his own making.

Sensing Inko's distress, Recovery Girl quietly entered the room, her presence offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. She approached Inko, her compassionate eyes meeting the distraught mother's gaze.

Gently placing a hand on Inko's shoulder, Recovery Girl spoke softly, her voice filled with empathy. "Midoriya-san, I understand the pain you're going through. Midoriya's mind has been deeply affected by the experiments he endured. Shigaraki's influence has left him trapped within a labyrinth of forgotten memories and erased emotions."

Inko's trembling voice quivered with a mix of fear and determination. "Can you help him, Recovery Girl? Can you bring my Izuku back to me?"

Recovery Girl's expression softened as she spoke with unwavering resolve. "We're doing everything we can to restore his stolen essence. But it won't be an easy journey. It will require time, patience, and the unyielding support of those who care for him."

Inko's tears continued to flow, her heart breaking at the thought of her son trapped within his own mind. She reached out and took Midoriya's hand, holding it tightly as if to anchor him to the world.

Recovery Girl placed a gentle hand on Inko's shoulder, offering solace in her touch. "Midoriya-san, you are not alone in this. we will stand by your side, fighting to reclaim Midoriya's stolen self. Together, we will guide him out of the darkness and into the light."

Inko nodded, her voice filled with a mix of gratitude and determination. "Thank you all for never giving up on Izuku. He told me many stories about everyone of you and I know that he trusts all of you to help him out."

The heroes and Inko shared a resolute gaze, their hearts united in their unwavering determination to bring Midoriya back from the depths of his mind. The journey ahead would be arduous, but with love, support, and unwavering faith, they believed that one day, Midoriya would break free from the shackles that bound him and return to them, whole once more.

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