Chapter 10: The League's Whispered Plans

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In the depths of their secret lair, Shigaraki and Doctor stood in the dimly lit room, their gazes fixated upon the transformed Midoriya. The air crackled with a mix of anticipation and satisfaction, as they discussed the implications of their new creation.

Shigaraki, his hands coated in decay, smirked with a mix of sadistic pleasure and ambition. He had always relished in the chaos and destruction he wrought upon society. But now, with their newest pawn in their possession, he saw an opportunity for something far greater.

"This new Midoriya... He will be our ultimate weapon," Shigaraki mused, his voice laced with a newfound intensity. "With his power and unwavering obedience, we will strike fear into the hearts of heroes and civilians alike."

Doctor, his appearance deceivingly gentle, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Tomura. This is a triumph, the culmination of years of research and experimentation. Our efforts to perfect the Nomu program have finally borne fruit."

The two villains exchanged knowing glances, their shared understanding of the power they now possessed evident in their eyes. Midoriya, once the symbol of hope, had been twisted into their instrument of destruction.

"He is no longer the green-haired boy we plucked from his friends," Shigaraki continued, his tone dripping with satisfaction. "He has become a monster, a force to be reckoned with. The hero community will tremble at the mere mention of his name."

Doctor's lips curled into a sinister smile as he stepped closer to the transformed Midoriya. "And his transformation is far from complete. The experimentations have only just begun. With each passing day, we will unlock more of his latent power, molding him into an unstoppable force."

Shigaraki's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Imagine the chaos we can sow with this new weapon at our disposal. No hero will be able to stand against him. The League of Villains will reign supreme."

As they reveled in their wicked plans, their voices dipped into whispers, ensuring the secrecy of their machinations. The new Midoriya, their creation, represented the culmination of their twisted ambitions, a dark reflection of the hero he once aspired to be.

Little did they know, buried deep within the recesses of Midoriya's transformed being, the spark of resistance continued to flicker. The remnants of his true self fought against the overwhelming tide of manipulation, silently vowing to defy the fate that had been thrust upon him.

Unbeknownst to the League, the hero within Midoriya, though obscured by the scars and torment, was far from extinguished. The battle for his redemption, for the reclamation of his identity, would be waged in the shadows, where hope still lingered, waiting for its moment to rise.

As Shigaraki and Doctor plotted their malevolent path, the stage was set for a confrontation of epic proportions. Heroes and villains would clash, and within the heart of the storm, a transformed Midoriya would find the strength to defy his captors and rewrite his own destiny. The echoes of his former self would resonate, defying the darkness that sought to consume him, and heralding the dawn of a new chapter in the battle for justice.

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