hapter 14: The Puppet's Potential

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Doctor stood before Tomura Shigaraki, his expression one of smug satisfaction. The laboratory hummed with a subdued energy, the air thick with the weight of the experiments that had been conducted on Midoriya.

"Tomura, my young protege," Doctor began, his voice filled with a sinister undertone, "I am pleased to inform you that our creation, Midoriya, is ready for deployment."

Tomura, his hands lazily tucked into the pockets of his tattered jacket, regarded Doctor with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "Ready, you say? What do you mean, Doctor?"

A wicked smile crept across Doctor's face as he elaborated. "Midoriya's transformation is complete. His physical attributes have been enhanced to unprecedented levels, and his mind has been molded to serve our purposes. He is now the ultimate weapon, an unstoppable force at our disposal."

Tomura's eyes widened, a glimmer of excitement dancing within them. "So, he's ready to be unleashed upon our enemies?"

Doctor nodded. "Indeed. Midoriya's power, combined with his newfound obedience and intelligence, makes him a formidable ally. He will strike fear into the hearts of heroes and crush anyone who stands in our way."

Tomura's lips curled into a malicious grin. "Excellent. Our plan is finally coming to fruition. With Midoriya by our side, there will be no one who can oppose us."

Doctor's expression darkened slightly, a flicker of concern crossing his eyes. "But remember, Tomura, Midoriya is no longer the same person he once was. His free will has been extinguished, and his very essence has been reshaped to serve our cause. He is a puppet, a vessel for our ambitions."

Tomura's grin widened, a touch of madness dancing in his eyes. "That's exactly what we need, Doctor. A puppet who will dance to our tune, who will strike fear into the hearts of those who dare oppose us. Midoriya's sacrifice will not be in vain."

As the conversation reached its conclusion, an unsettling silence settled upon the laboratory. The echoes of Midoriya's former self lingered in the air, a stark reminder of the tragedy that had befallen him. The heroes, unbeknownst to the League of Villains, were gathering their strength, preparing for the inevitable clash that would determine the fate of their fallen comrade.

The stage was set, and the players were ready. The battle for Midoriya's redemption, for the restoration of his true self, loomed on the horizon. The heroes would fight with every ounce of their being to save their friend, while the League of Villains reveled in their newfound weapon.

Within Midoriya's transformed body, the flicker of resistance continued to smolder. The remnants of his spirit yearned for liberation, waiting for the opportune moment to break free from the shackles that bound him. The stage was set for a climactic confrontation, where the puppet would be forced to confront his captors, and the true hero within would rise once more.

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