Author's Note

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Good day, everyone! I would like to begin by offering my sincere apologies for my extended period of inactivity and the lack of updates. I deeply regret not keeping you all informed. Unfortunately, due to my overwhelming commitment to my studies, I have been unable to post another chapter. I am currently engrossed in working on two thesis projects and developing websites, which has consumed a significant amount of my time and energy. I genuinely hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive me for my absence.

However, I want to assure you that once I have some time off during vacation, I will make it a priority to provide you with the much-awaited updates. Your unwavering support and continued interest in this story mean the world to me. I am grateful for every message, comment, and opinion that I have received from all of you. Rest assured, I have taken note of your suggestions and will incorporate them into future chapters. Your input is invaluable.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your understanding and patience. I hope you all stay safe and well during this time.

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