Chapter 10

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However after stroking it for a while, Jiang Cheng compelled himself to restrain his hostility.

"Eh? They didn't fight?" A cultivator asked feeling disappointed

Although he was displeased as the leader at a sect, he needed to take more things into consideration, which meant that he couldn't be as impulsive as Jin Ling.

The cultivators were beyond shocked, they didn't know that the Jiang Sect Leader could restrain himself from anger.

After the fall of the QingheNie Sect, among the Three Great Sects the LanlingJin Sect and the GusuLan Sect were quite close due to the personal relationship between the two leaders By leading the Vurmenging Sect alone, he was already in an isolated situation among the three.

The Jiang Sect Leader thoughts sound so vulnerable

Also, Jiang Cheng's sword, "Sandu," had never made actual contact with Lan Wangji's sword, Bichen and it was not yet decidable whose hands would the deer die on. The thing that Jiang Cheng hated the most was to be disadvantageous during a fight Without complete confidence in his success, he would not consider fighting with Lan Wangji

Jiang Cheng is feeling uncomfortable that the other people are hearing his dark thoughts , this is too humiliating to him

Jiang Cheng made the decision to, for the time being, owe him a favour, and turned around to see Jin Ling still covering his mouth angrily "HanGuang Jun wants to punish you, so just let him do it for this one time. It's not easy for him, either, to discipline Juniors from other clans."

The tone of the Jiang Sect Leader was sarcastic and it seems that he was mocking Hanguanjun

Jiang Cheng turned again, his words covered with thorns, "Why are you still standing there? Waiting for the prey to come and throw itself onto your sword? If today, you don't catch the creature hunting Dafan Mountain, don't come to me ever again."

Some cultivators gasped at the words of the Jiang Sect Leader 'that's too harsh to say for a kid ' they thought

Jin Ling froze on his spot as his mother softly patted his head " A-ling he didn't really mean what he said, he just wants to protect you."

Jin Ling just nodded to his mother as he continue to watch

Jin Ling threw Wei Wuxian a tough look but was too scared to look at Lan Wangji, the person who had silenced him.

Some cultivators laughed at the scared expression of Jin Ling

Lan Sizhui spoke. "Sect Leader Jiang the Gusulan Sect will return the exact number of spirit-binding nets that had been destroyed."

Jiang Cheng sneered. "No need" He chose The opposite direction and walked down calmly.

A sect Leader whispered "To give an offer of the GusuLan Sect like this, I would totally accept it. Just imagine the amount of spirit-binding net that had been destroyed, I would let go of my pride if I was him"

After their figures disappeared. Lan Jingyi spoke, "How could the Sect Leader Jiang act like this?" Only afterward did he remember the Lan Clan's rule of not talking behind others' backs. He looked meekly at HanGuang Jun and shut his mouth

Lan Jingyi immediately hides behind Lan Sizhui's back avoiding Lan Qiren furious eyes

Lan Sizhui smiled softly toward Wei Wuxian " Young Master Mo we meet again"

"Aww, here comes the sweetest child again"

As Wei WuXian pulled the comers of his mouth Lan WangJi spoke again, "Do your tasks." The command was simplistic and clear, without any fancy vocabulary for decoration

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