Chapter 22

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I hadn't slept well for the past week after I had gotten that call. My brothers were worried but I didn't tell them anything.

I was scared that he would come after them instead and hurt them. I was still scared but not as scared as I was when he called.

I mean how would he be able to kidnap me with Eron and Kimberly always on watch. It was highly impossible. Or so I thought.

Today I could finally practice with the team on the lake after I had done well on the practicals of competitive sailing. Kuáilè de had taken me along with her step by step. I did very well and with the help of the trainer that Alek had brought for me it was easy to lean how to sail.

I felt the wind pass through my hair and a sense of freedom.

"So what made you decide on sailing?" I asked Kuáilè de after we took a break from sailing. The others had already left since they we're not needed here. Her words not mine.

"Well its because of my grandfather, he loved sailing and I was the only one in the family to meet his obsession" where her words.

Trying to not create an awkward silence I asked her another question "So do you have any siblings?" maybe she saw what I was trying to do so she gave a detailed answer.

"Yes. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. My older sister is a Kpop-idol I don't think you know her. My second sister is a Chinese actress like I said with the first one I don't think you've heard of her as well but she is very popular sometimes appearing in South Korean, Japanese and oh she did appear in [If I was] for about 2 seasons"

"Wait didn't [If I was] get nominated seven times and left with five of those awards" I looked at her in surprise "So the girl that played Finley was your sister"

"I guess you do know her then" she said softly with a small smile filled with pride.

"Well it was because of Amber she's the one who introduced me to the show. Sorry for disturbing you, you can continue" I said. Amber had called me after she had gotten to go on the set of the show due to her cousin being a producer of the show.

"No, problem where was I. My third sister is socialite you'll usally find her in fashion shows, I believe her and Bekah know each other. Now to my brothers, the first one is training to take over our family empire and the last one is a model under the L&F brand name" she finally finished.

She turned to me as if waiting for me to give out some infor about my family and infor would I give.

"We-" my eyes widened in shock as I saw some one point a gun at Kuáilè de I immediately pushed her away and the bullet hit me.

"Aggghhhh..." I screamed as the bullet burnt right through my shoulder.

"Chrisanna a-are you okay" Kuàilé de asked shakingly. I mean I didn't blame her but I didn't have time to focus on anything but the pain I felt.

Where were Eron and Kimberly? Looking at the man that shot me I noticed that he had a wound on him. He looked like he was bleeding out.

"Ku-" before I could say anything she was knocked out when I turned to see who it was. I screamed bloody murder.

"Ahhhhhhggghhhhhhghhhhh.." it was him the man that hunted my dreams for the past week.

"Hello pretty girl" and before I knew it I was out. All I could think was how I wanted to be as far away as godly possible from this man.

So he got her 😕🥹😭 Don't forget to vote and comment 🥲pls comment

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