Chapter 14

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"Film night?" I couldn't help but question as Leonid dragged me out of my room at 20:01pm.

"Yes, in order to make you feel more welcomed Sasha had arranged for the old cinematic room to be cleaned and cleared out for use" he finished.

"He did that for me why would Aleksandr do that?" I couldn't help but question.

"Well he wanted to make you feel at home and you are our sister so he didn't mind doing something a little special for you but after meeting you he doubts that you watched anything theatre related before you came here" he paused putting his hand out for me to hold which I did "So he had your own theatre built for you but since it's in Greece and not here you could fly out there at any given chance as long as you tell us before living also Kimberly and Eron should be with you" I froze as I looked at Leonid in shock, he in response just carried me and continued walking.

I wanted to cry, why would he build a cinema for someone he hadn't seen in years. I put my head in Leonid's should to hide my red eyes and face. Despite the fact that I was pretty tall for my age especially as a girl I had ignored the fact that Leonid effortlessly carried me. The fact that he was tall and a bit muscular added to it, definitely not because I was under weight.

And I had my own theatre in Greece.

All my brothers were in the theatre room, and as usual Nikolai sent jabs at Aleksandr which I had gotten used too. Sanny was carrying two very large bowels of popcorn and behind him was candy with Ilya already eating his own as he looked up in a daze, and that's when I noticed it his pyjamas silky forest green with little green heart designs. Nikolai was wearing the same but his were blue with superman designs, and for a moment I noticed what Leonid's pyjamas where a darker shade of blue with you guessed it little batman boomerangs.

I didn't know who to laugh at as I smiled and frowned at the same time I'm sure I looked like I was about to have a seizure. Sanny and Aleksandr were both wearing work trousers with Sanny wearing a black polo shirt and Aleksandr a linen white shirt, with a tie that looked undone. His eyes behind his glasses were narrowed down as he looked at Nikolai in what I could only assume was annoyance.

"You are so lucky that Sasha is your brother or you'd be six feet in debt" Leonid said his deep voice rumbling of his stomach in what I can assume was an attempt to annoy Nikolai.

"Indeed I am and I plan on taking fall advantage of that" I could hear a smirk making it's way to his face "Oh before I forget I'm having a game this week so all of you should come to cheer me on your favourite and the only star" Nikolai added.

I looked around the room as I tapped for Leonid to put me down as I made my way to Aleksandr not before noticing Ilya roll his eyes.

"You are aware that you don't play the game alone ,right?" Ilya asked as though talking to a delusional patient who lacked intelligence.

"Your point Ilya" he asked faking a questioning look and in all honesty it almost had me fooled.

"Ignorance will get you nowhere little brother?" Ilya rolled his eyes as he continued on eating and raised his eyebrow in question as I made space for myself between Nikolai and Aleksandr, my face was blood red at this point.

"And yet it's bliss" Nikolai added.

"Since when did we start with conjunctions in our sentences little brother I don't believe that's what you learnt at school" Leonid said taking a sit behind me after grabbing his own popcorn.

Sanny gave me my own popcorn as he went to get his own.

"Thank you" I whispered to Aleksandr as it was the only thing that would come out of my mouth. Believing that he didn't hear me I opened my mouth again.

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