Chapter 19

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Day 2

I looked at the beautiful  view from the hotel room I was in. The windows were large so I could see all the beautiful buildings and amazing architecture.

We had arrived back late and as soon as I got to my room I had called my brothers and sent them all the pictures we took. Which also reminded me of the amount of money Aleksandr had put in my card. Immediately standing up, I took a slow but wonderful bath created by Kimberly who had also come with.

Apparently she had been watching over me from afar and only made me aware after I had come back to the hotel. Eron was here as well and speaking of those two I remembered light blue eyes. What is wrong with me.

Recalling my dream last night made me embarrassed.

"Did you miss me Chrisanna" he had said in a husky voice remembering it simply made me blush.

Wearing a dark blue sweater and demi jeans. I immediately picked up my phone and found my banking app. I began eating the food Kimberly had brought in for me as I entered my birthday.

When I found what I was looking for I dropped my phone.


What was £784 million doing in my bank account. Suddenly I remembered why Aleksandr didn't tell me how much was inside the bank account. Choosing to ignore the amount and pretend like I didn't see anything seemed better.

And knowing Aleksandr he probably won't take back the money that he gave me.

Bekah entered my room and smiled as soon as she saw me. She smiled wider when she saw me wearing demi jeans because she was wearing them too, a different shade from yesterday but still demi.

"Come in girls" Bekah said as Steph, Amber and Rosa were all also wearing demi.

"Is this best friend intuition or are we all wearing demi" Amber stated.

Apparently we all wore demi jeans without even talking about it. They all ate their room service in my room, Steph on the floor whilst watching the view. Amber and Bekah on my bed and me on a desk next to Steph. We were all watching the view in peace.

"Mmmm" Bekah sounded as if remembering something.

"Today we are going to the Lancaster & Foxworth museum" Bekah said in excitement.

"You really love L&F don't you" I said.

"Love it this had been a brand I had always wanted to work for, and Rosa fulfilled my dream" she said her eyes becoming watery.

I suddenly glanced at one of my bags that had  friendship bracelets I had designed for all of us prior to me coming here. I was planning on giving it to all of us and her because they were my first friends. Looking at Rosa's gift I felt like mine couldn't compare.

Amber bought her a blue Porsche 911 and Steph bought her a limited edition watch which cost tens of thousands apparently she'd been saving to buy her her words wealthy people pay well as long as you do your work well was what she said.

Looks like I'll have to call Aleksandr.

"Christy you okay" Bekah asked in worry, Amber and Steph also turned to me and Rosa looked concerned for me.

"No I'm okay just thinking" sighing in relief she let it go.

"Then let's go to the museum" Bekah marched forward. Rosa still looking concerned finally opened her mouth.

"If you need to talk just know I'm here okay" she told me softly.

"Okay" I whispered back trying to not cry.

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