chapter two

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"LARI" she heard her boyfriend yell her name and turned around to the door "OFFICE" yelled Lara back and a few moments later Phil was standing in the doorframe "is everything alright?" asked the Brunette "you should've talked to me first before making such a big decision" stated the 23 year old "I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" asked Lara, who was genuinely confused "your insta post?" suggested the footballer "I only posted a selfie on my story today" she took her phone out to check "shit, that was so stupid" she began freaking out after realising that she accidentally posted a picture of her boyfriend and son on her official Instagram instead of her finsta. "the only problem is that you didn't talk to me about it" said her boyfriend "I thought you didn't change you mind about keeping our relationship and the fact that Ronnie is your child too a secret" "shit, shit, shit" she was completely freaking out "I am so sorry Phil, I wasn't meant to post this. I wanted to put it on my finsta" "OH" he looked shocked at her but before they even could say or do anything Laras phone already rang and her manager called. "Lara, you have to inform me if you make that kind of decisions. Annoncing your relationship and that you have a child to the public is huge" began the woman in her 30s "I know, i accidentally posted it, i really didn't want to. I will handle it" "worst case, we will tell the public you were hacked, ok?" asked her manager "yeah, thank you" Lara hung up and directed her attention back to Phil "Uhm, I am really sorry" mumbled the 23 year old and her boyfriend walked over to her to hug her "its fine, but the people are freaking out, we have to do something" "Sophia said we could say i was hacked or we will just tell the truth" suggested Lara "If we tell the truth, would that mean, you will celebrate with us if we win the champions league on Saturday?" asked Phil as he starred into her eyes while putting his hand under her chin "can you ever be serious?" laughed Lara before Phil kissed her with a huge smile on his face "if you are fine with telling people then let's do it" "yeah let's do it" she smiled and kissed him again "i need to change, I will have to go live on Instagram"

Lara quickly went to her bedroom to change into something more presentable. Then she went downstairs to find Phil and their son in the kitchen. Ronnie was drawing something and his dad was just sitting next to him while watching the 4 year old closely. "You've got this, Lara," he said, gently squeezing her hand. "We'll face whatever comes our way together." she sat down on the opposite site of the kitchen table so the people would only see her while the 2 boys stayed on the other side of the table. Taking a deep breath, Lara sat in front of her phone, opened the Instagram app, and clicked on the live button. The screen lit up, and she saw the comments already flooding in, filled with curiosity and excitement.

username tell us what is up with you posting Phil Foden

username the queen is live

username its really creepy that she posted a stranger

"Hey, everyone," Lara began, her voice steady but tinged with nervousness. "I want to address something that happened earlier today. I accidentally posted something on my Instagram, which was meant for my close friends' list. It wasn't my intention to share it with the public, but it happened, and now we're here." She paused for a moment, glancing at Phil, whose eyes were on her, his presence giving her strength. Then, she continued, "The post was about Phil and Ronnie and yes, it's true. I am Ronnie's mother, and we've been together for now six years. We stared dating when we were 16. I know some of you might be surprised or have questions, and that's okay. We wanted to keep this part of our lives private for a while, to protect Ronnie from unnecessary scrutiny. But now that the truth is out, we feel it's important to be honest with all of you., We know there will be judgments and opinions, but we believe in the love we share and the strength of our family."

username thats sus

username i don't believe her

username no way that cant be true

eighteen (Phil Foden)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang