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Miles skillfully adjusted his thermal scope, scanning each floor of the building with acute precision, gradually descending floor by floor. A surge of happiness coursed through him, as he spotted two persons tied to chairs, "They are on the second floor." He informed Sam, satisfaction lacing his words.  "If you can manage to slip inside quietly, dealing with six people would be a piece of cake for you." He boasted Sam.

"Thanks man." Sam replied, his voice brimming with determination. He proceeded with utmost caution, taking cover against a weathered wall. He  peered around the corner, to find three men stationed at three different vantage points. As he observed, one of them approaching his position, he remained patient, awaiting the opportune moment, allowing the man to pass without detecting him. In one swift move, Sam clasped his hand over the man's mouth, executing a rear choke. Despite the man's desperate attempt, his struggle proved futile, as he gasped for air before  succumbing to Sam's tightening grip. With an intake of breath, Sam revealed himself. Shocked, the remaining  men hastly aimed their guns at him, but his reflexes proved swifter, leaving their lifeless body strewn across the floor.

He cautiously ascended the stairs, his firearm steady and aimed ahead. Reaching the first floor, he sought cover once more. As he observed them, he found, one of the men, attempting to communicate his fellow comrades, only to be met with silence. Sensing imminent danger, he turned to investigate, but his quest was abruptly halted by a bullet, piercing through his head. The other men whirled around, only to be met with the same fate.

With a sense of urgency, he hurried to the second floor, where he discovered Brendon holding Scarlett at gunpoint. Fiery rage consumed his body as he emerged from his hiding spot, his gun unwaveringly trained on Brendon. Brendon's men momentarily froze in shock, leaving them lifeless before they could make a significant move. Masking his surprise, Brendon slowly turned, shifting his attention to Sam.

"Ah ! The Devil himself, what a pleasure it is to finally meet you." Brendon greeted, his words thick with sarcasm. Markus, blood dripping from the corner of his lips, lifted his gaze and found Sam's unwaveringly gaze. Sam's eyes darted to Scarlett, who stared back at him through blurred vision, a sense of relief washing over her.

"Sullivan." Sam acknowledged curtly. "I wish I could say the same. You shouldn't have involved our family into this mess." He seethed, holding Brendon at gun point. Slowly, he approached Markus, unshackling him from his restraints. Markus, acknowledging Sam's gesture with a subtle nod steadied himself and wiped away blood staining his face. Without wasting any time, he rushed by Scarlett's side, freeing her from her captivity. As soon as she was released, she instinctively collapsed in Markus' embrace with unchecked tears cascading down her cheeks.

"I love you so much." Was all she whispered, in between her sobs, her tears soaking Markus' shoulders. He held her tightly in her arms, providing her solace, and whispered, "I love you too." He gently caressed her tear-stained cheeks before shifting his attention to Brendon.

The weight of his wife and son's suffering hung heavily on Sam's heart. In a wake of trust, he reaches for a pistol and hands it to Markus, saying, "As much as I wish to kill this bastard for what he did to my wife and son. It's your call."

Brendon responded with a mocking laugh,"Go ahead. Shoot me, it ain't gonna change what you did." He taunted, his voice dripping with venom.

Brendon, stood his ground, accepting his fate, with the last surge of defiance. Markus raised his weapon, aimed it at him. Yet, to everyone's surprise, he hesitated, he lowered his weapon, his eyes fixed on Brendon. A look of confusion and surprise crossed the faces of Scarlett, Sam and even Brendon himself. Uncertainty lingered in the air, and heightened by Markus' question, "How was she ?"  

With facade crackling and confidence wavering, Brendon growled, "You don't fucking talk about her."

Unfazed, Markus persisted, "Your wife. How was she ?" Scarlett taken aback, by the events unfolding in front of her could hear her heart thumping inside her chest as if it wanted to break free.

In the sudden escalation, fueled by maelstrom of emotions, Brendon lunged at Markus. Rolling down on the ground, punches were exchanged. Scarlett's heart wrench upon witnessing Markus, bloodied and bruised, as she cried his name, "Markus !" Attempting to protect him, she tried to intervene, only to be held back by Sam, providing a barrier against the chaos.

In a swift movement, Markus steadied himself and overpowered Brendon. He pinned him against the wall, his arm applying unyielding pressure, against Brendon's neck, as he whispered, "Whether you believe it or not, I didn't kill your wife." Truth and determination laced in his voice.

Brendon bellowed as he lashed out, driven by anger, determined to assign blame on Markus, "If that's the case, I could have been with her and protected her, if you wouldn't have meddled."

Gracefully, Markus evaded his attacks, returning his own strikes with great accuracy and agility. Finally, with a decisive blow to Brendon's face, Markus delivered his final strike.

Brendon, defeated and broken, lay on the ground while Markus held him in place, with the cold steel of the gun, aimed at him. Unexpectedly, he closed his eyes, reminiscing about the beauty of his late wife, he whispered, "She was the most beautiful woman, I had ever seen."

Just in time, Miles reported, "His guards are on your way."

Time was running out, they had to act quick, Sam voice cut through the tension, his voice firm and resolute, " We gotta move, Shoot him." Markus hesitated.

"Come on, Hayes. Shoot me. Don't be such a pussy. You won."

In the midst of chaos, Scarlett's cry for Markus resonated, his instinct to protect her overwhelmed him. "I will find the bastards who killed your wife. I assure you." He vowed, determination lacing in his words. Brendon's jaw clenched, a fleeting moment of recognition passing through them before Markus pulled the trigger, whispering. "But that doesn't mean, I forgive you for what you to my family." 

"We gotta move." Sam said. With a sense of urgency, Markus reached out and  clasped Scarlett's trembling hands. As their gazes locked, a silent promise of safety was exchanged.

Together, they all rushed towards the exit. Gunshots echoed throughout the building as they fought their way out. 
Rick, stood waiting for them. Without wasting any more time, they hurriedly entered the car. Brendon's men attempted to pursue, but bulletproof mirror shielded them from any harm. As Miles joined them, they sped away. The sounds of police sirens reached their ears, signalling the arrival of police, arresting Brendon's remaining men.

Inside the car, Markus tightened his grip on Scarlett's hand, whispering, "It's all over now.  She glanced at him, her heart filled with a mix of emotions, she leaned in his embrace, finding solace and comfort.

As the car carried them away, the sun began to set, casting its golden hues upon their path. The road stretched ahead, the journey she had embarked as an assistant to his beloved played in her mind.

"Thank you for holding onto me." Markus whispered, bringing her out of her reverie.

"I said, I'll never leave" She said softly, gently caressing his bruised cheeks.

"Get a room, you two." Interrupted, Miles, smirking. Sam, who sat next to him, smacked his arm.

Scarlett blushed a deep shade of red, as she buried her head against Markus' torso. Markus smiled, and whispered, "I love you." She tightened her hold and replied, "I love you too."


Well, here comes the happy ending.
But, bonus chapters are yet to come your way.

Before that, please let me know your views of the story in the comments below and also please vote.

And also, I would like you to know, that I am going to publish my fourth book very soon - JOURNEY TO LOVE

Please follow @velvetydays to get updated.

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