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A week has passed since Scarlett joined W&H corps. However, she felt as if she'd been working there for years and even Emily had gone on her pregnancy leave. She liked being busy, so the work didn't bother her but it was becoming hard for her to give work her undivided attention knowing that he was working next door. Every now and then, her mind would go to him and an overwhelming urge to see him took over her.

Currently, she was sitting in her cabin, going through some documents when the telephone rang.

"Please be it him." She prayed, underneath her breath.

"Ms. Jones, come to my office." Markus spoke. A huge grin spread across her lips.
"Right away, sir." She replied. Immediately, getting up from her seat and adjusting her navy blue pencil dress, she walked to his cabin and knocked.

"Come in." Instead of Markus' deep sensous voice she heard a soft baby voice which she recognised in an instant. She pushed open the door wide and entered the cabin.

Her eyes, at once fall on Theo, dressed neatly in a blue color shirt and white jeans, standing up on the sofa placed at one corner, with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Hello, little boss." She cooed to him.

"How are you, Ms.Jones." He tried to mimic Markus. Markus, who was busy working on his computer let out a silent chuckle gaining her attention. She gaped openly at his wondrous sight, Markus, dressed elegantly in black denim jeans paired white white shirt and grey coat while his hair were neatly gelled back. She bit her lips awkwardly before answering Theo,

"I am fine. How are you ?"

"I am bored. Uncle M doesn't take me out." He complained, giving Markus a glare although it was more cute than deadly.

"Saying as if I trap you at home everyday." Markus countered.

"Feels like that." Theo replied, feigning longingness.

"I have loads of work to do and Mrs. Johnson, Theo's babysitter isn't home." Theo's lips curved into pout. Scarlett glanced at his sad face and her heart melted.

"Sir, why don't you take a break. I'll manage everything." She suggested. Theo gave him a toothy grin.

"I have already taken my share of break. Why don't you take a break and if you don't mind, take him with you." She turned her head towards Theo, who was bobbing his up and down. She giggled.

"My work is almost done. I think I can use a break."

"Sure, Ms.Jones." Theo jumped from the sofa and ran by Scarlett.

"Let's go." She enthused and they left. She existed the building with Theo, holding her hand.

"I want ice-cream." He said, pointing at one of their own cafe across the street where most of the office employees spent their breaks.

"Ice-cream it is then." She smiled.

They walked inside the cafe that had similar atmosphere as PARADISE. She ordered two large cups of chocolate ice cream and settled at the booth, next to the window.

"Which floor is uncle M's office ?" With curiosity, Theo glanced out of the window, trying to figure out question to his answer.

"Uhmm, I can't say." Answered, Scarlett.
"They all look same from outside."

"I think it's that floor...no wait..that.." He randomly pointed at different floors, meanwhile, a teenage girl came by and placed their orders infront of them. Theo smiled ear to ear widening smile of Scarlett.

"So, your uncle M troubles you a lot. Huh ?" She didn't know why she asked Theo but she hoped she might come to know a little more about her boss.

"Yes, he does trouble me a lot. Do you know, this week he got me late twice ?" He complained. She chuckled, "You love going to school ?" Upon hearing her question, his cheeks blossomed like a rose adding more spark to her curiosity.
"Theo....what are you not telling me ?" She cooed, with a glint of mischief in her voice. "It's nothing." Coyly, he answered and turned his attention to his chocolaty heaven. She suppressed her laugh and  dropped the topic so as to not make him feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

"Don't tell uncle M, but I love spending time with him. He is so much fun." He mumbled. His words left her in awe as she gazed at him with so much love in her eyes.

"Your secret is safe with me." She promised, crossing her fingers. "So, now what do you want to do ?" Excited, she asked.

"Uhm...." He began to think, tapping his cheek.

"Well, if you want a suggestion, we can go to the park after you finish your ice cream." Hurriedly, he finished his ice cream and enthused, "I want to go to the park."

"Come on, let's go."

Walking and jumping, Theo reached the park holding Scarlett's hand. As they watched, they saw a lot of kids swinging different swings and men and women chatting. "I want to ride that swing." He pointed at one of them.

She helped him sit on it and began to gently push it.

"Woo..hoo.fast and high." He gushed.

"You're enjoying ?" Loudly, she asked.

"Yesssss...." He yelled. With them laughing and enjoying together for a while, they returned the building.

"Woah. We had so much fun." Theo yelled, barging inside the cabin with Scarlett following him with a concerned look. Markus who was engrossed in work, looked up, "Learn to knock." He exasperated to which Theo stuck out his tongue at him while Scarlett silent chuckled. However, she still managed to gain his attention and their eyes met. For a minute, she just stared at him, getting lost in his mesmerizing eyes, and the other, she averted her gaze and went quiet. "You don't have to feel so intidimated by me, Ms.Jones." He said.
Her cheeks turned rosy. Just then, Markus' phone buzzed.

"Your mum's video calling." Markus handed phone to Theo, who picked it up immediately.

"Hey mom." 

"Hey my baby, how are you ?"

"Didn't I tell you earlier this morning ?" He sighed. Chloe chuckled, "Of course, you did. You're with uncle M today ?"

"Yes he is here." Theo said switching to back camera. "Hey Chloe." Markus smiled. "Don't burden yourself." was all she said. "He won't." They heard Sam's voice coming from behind Chloe before he walked within the camera frame. "Yeah sure." Markus shrugged while Theo switched camera again.

"Mom, dad. I miss you guys." He pouted.

"Missing you too, buddy." Sam said. Theo's lips stretched into a smile.

All this while, Scarlett stood there wearing a sweet smile and admiring the love they all had. Markus' eyes found her over again and lingered on her a little longer, watching her admiring his family. Gorgeous. A thought came out of nowhere in his mind and a tiny smile appeared on his lips before he shifted his attention back on Theo, busy talking his parents.


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