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In the dimly lit alleyway, a man navigated his way through age-stricken delipidating buildings with a sense of urgency. His vigilant gaze scanned his desolate surroundings, cautious of being watched. He hastened inside as he reached the porch of an old house.

The house itself resembled negligence, its interior was coated in layers of dust while cobwebs adorned the corners. Amidst this neglected ambience, Brendon sat on an old worn out sofa with his eyes fixed on a faded photograph of a beautiful young red head woman, gazing at her with admiration, completely engrossed in his own thoughts when his moment of peace was disrupted by the man's intrusion. Three men who loomed behind Brendon, pointed their guns at him.

"Boss." the man stuttered, his voice tinged with nervousnes. He motioned to his men to lower down their guns.

"Boss, they've caught Carter. They will certainly torture him and he will reveal everything. What are your orders ?" The man rambled.

Brendon exhaled a sigh, slow and controlled, a small smile appeared on his lips, but the smile wasn't one of solace, but rather it dripped with menace.

Rising up from his seat, Brendon approached the man with deliberate pace.

"It was supposed to happen." He calmly remarked, his voice filled with foreknowledge.

"But Boss, isn't this a threat to your motive ?" Perplexed, he questioned.

"Threat ?" One minute he laughed and the other minute his expressions turned sour, "It's not a threat." The man gulped unaware of his actual plan and scurried away, leaving Brendon to stand there, his gaze fixed on the retreating figure.

"See you soon, Hayes." He muttered, his voice carrying a chilling promise.

"Please...please let me go." Carter pleaded, his eyes were filled with fear. Sweat trickled down his forehead, onto his cheeks and jaws before finally hitting the floor. He squirmed on the chair, desperately attempting to loosen the rope binding his hands and feet.

The door burst open, and Markus entered followed by Sam and Adam. Markus pulled out a chair and settled in front of him.

"Please, Markus. I beg you. Don't kill me and let me go." Carter begged, his voice trembling with fear. Markus stared at him for a brief moment, trying to comprehend the reason behind the treacherous act committed by one of their best employees.

Markus immediately cut to the chase, "Have you granted them access to our hotel's secure area?" Carter gulped in fear and slowly nodded. A sigh of frustration slipped through Markus' lips as he tried to keep himself calm.

"Why? Why did you do this, Carter?" He questioned, his voice low, devoid of any anger. Carter fell silent upon hearing the question. Enraged, Adam lunged towards Carter but was restrained by Sam.

A single tear rolled down Carter's eyes as he glanced at them before saying, " Last month, my wife was diagnosed with cancer but it was too late, it reached stage III and she needed immediate surgery." He paused, taking a moment to gather himself. "I needed a huge sum of money to pay for that, which I did not have. I felt hopeless when his men reached out to me." They all listened intently. "They said that he will bear all the cost....."

"If you betrayed us." Sam interjected. Carter's head snapped in his direction as he nodded.

"You could have asked us for help." Markus said.

"He fu**ing brainwashed me and I fell for it. I fell for it all. I am sorry. I just wanted my wife to be okay." He cried and pleaded.

"What do you know about his plans ?" Adam asked.

"There's one thing I can tell you, but you'll have to promise me that you'll not harm my wife."

"We won't" Sam assured him. Carter inhaled a sharp breath and said, "Timothy Hudson is involved. I don't know what he's after, but he is involved."

"How do you know ?" Markus asked, his voice filled with rage.

"They met the day after your visit. I was there in the same club. They had called me."

"What were they discussing ?"

"I don't know the details. They exchanged some documents. When talking to me, he only mentioned that he got one more member on board. They even exchanged some documents. Hudson kept them in a black suitcase. That's all I know. Please let me go now." With a swift motion, Markus got up from his seat and made his way out of the room. Sam and Adam followed closely behind.

Adam poured them some whiskey and took a seat across Sam, sitting beside Markus. Markus massaged his throbbing head and took a sip of the amber liquid, relishing the smooth burn of alcohol.

"What should we do next ?" Adam asked.

"He is right about his wife, but regarding Hudson, I am not sure. He may be leading us. We'll need to be careful." Sam said.

"I'll take care of that. For now, don't let him go anywhere. Send some one trusted to keep a check on his wife." Markus instructed Adam. Adam nodded. "And don't kill him." Markus added.

Markus and Sam were driving back home, the city's bustling streets were now quieted by the nightfall. Their mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as they navigated through the roads, contemplating their next possible move.

"What are you thinking of doing ?" Sam asked.

"He has a lesser-known image of a playboy. We might use that in our favour." Markus suggested. Sam smirked.

"Do you have anyone in mind for the job ?"

"I was thinking of Catherine. She can handle it effortlessly."

"She can't do it." Sam told him.

"Why not ?" Markus questioned, his gaze shifted between Sam and the road ahead before settling on the road.

Sam sighed, "While chasing Carter, she got injured. I forgot to tell you before."

"Damn it" Exasperated, Markus cursed.

"Relax, we'll find someone else." Sam assured. With a sigh, Markus shifted gears and revved the engine, driving towards their home.

What do you think is gonna happen ???

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Stay healthy
Stay safe.

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