~Chapter 9~

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I didn't know what to think or say. I was shocked by what I saw. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I've been fooled more than once. They played me very well, like a child.

I should have known myself that they were to blame for all this! But I have to stay calm and not panic. As furious as I am, I have to pretend I didn't see anything. If they find out, I'll end up dead.

The date 21.04.2022. is written on the first paper, and the date 21.04.2023. is written on the second. That is exactly the date when the murder happened. As I thought, this was planned.

It even says who will lead this case. But how did they know that I would be the one in charge of this?! Only... If they didn't plan this too?! Of course, like ALL of these! So they knew everything from the beginning.

Just why did they choose Mr. Eunkwang?  Did he know about this? Is that why they killed him? Or did they choose him as a victim they knew I would have to check with them?

But then what about that six month vacation he was sent on- Did they send him on vacation so they could plan all of this without him suspecting anything? Or did they just send him because he had doubts?!

Now the only question is, what did he find out? Did he find that they were involved in any illegal business? Or did he find out about what they did- Or maybe he already knew, so he started blackmailing them?

Although to be honest, he doesn't seem like a person who would support something like this or blackmail someone. But again, I always have to take all the possibilities. But again... My damned feeling gives me no peace.

I started to smell a strange smell. A kind of fragrance, sweet and very pleasant. Apple?  Yes, I think it's an apple. It smells really nice. But where does it come from? Ugh, I need to stay focused!

But only now that I think about everything, I don't understand what I have to do with this? I mean, they only wanted to save me from my so-called parents... Surely they wouldn't have done something like this...

Yes!  I'm paranoid too. Dada and momma, more likely, just want to help solve the case.  Yes, that's it! But that paper again... Uh, I don't know! My head hurts from all this...

Why am I justifying them all of a sudden?  They are to blame for all this? Why does my head make me think otherwise? It must be because of the pain in the head. I believe I will be better as soon as the pain stops.

Although, it really hurts... I don't feel well... I can't feel my own body... I'm starting to feel dizzy... Maybe it's because of the smell... But how can a smell cause all this... In the next moment everything went black...
"Baby?!" A voice was heard calling me.  Momma? Yes, that's definitely his voice.  There is no doubt that it is someone else.  How long have I been with them I could recognize their voices any time-

Wait-! When did I fall asleep? I was in the workforce and then I... They're doing it again. I'm not giving up so easily! I'm going to find out what happened, even if it was the last thing for me!

"Baby, are you okay?! Are you okay?! It's just that now I came, and we found you passed out on the floor... With a big bruise on your head... You have to be careful. The blow to the head is not little thing." He said.

I honestly didn't listen to him much while he was explaining it. I tried to adjust to the light and figure out where I was. Even if I already knew. I was lying in my bed. Or rather baby bed.

Wait, what? Blow to the head? A bruise?  But I didn't hit myself. I could only smell a strong apple smell. I was also experiencing severe headaches. That I didn't hit the table when I passed out? Possible...

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