Chapter 15

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It's the second time in a week I'm find myself rushing out of Ethan Crawfords house. What the hell had just happened? I couldn't do what? Kiss him? Of course I could. I had been dying to kiss him since last weekend. But why couldn't I? Because it was Ethan motherfucking Crawford. I wasn't attracted to him? Why would I kiss him? There was too much going on in my head, and I guess that running away seemed to be my best option. I walk down the porch and call Candace. Great. No response. Of course, today had to be the day I didn't drive here. I couldn't just ask Ethan to bring me back, considering the fact that I had just let him hanging in his bedroom, so I guess that was out of the picture. I closed my jacket tightly and walked rapidly through the snow. It took me about a half hour to get back to my apartment and I was absolutely chilled. I rushed inside and immediately jumped into the covers. What the hell had just happened? I turned on the TV and grabbed a tub of three-chocolate ice cream to drown my thoughts.

I wake up in my bed at 10am, completely out of place. My hair was a mess and I was still wearing my jacket. My window was wide open and the wind was absolutely scratching my face. I rushed to close it, but as I stood up, I fell down, being stricken by a head rush. I couldn't see anything but black and white dots behind my eyelids. I struggled to my feet, clinging hopefully to the edge of my bed. I stand out of my room seeing jade slumped over the kitchen counter. "Hey! What's up?" she asks joyfully slurping her coffee. "I've been better." I chuckle. "Who the hell carried me to my room last night?" I ask. "Oh, Candace and Monica did. You seemed cold." "Oh that was sweet." "Anyway, what are you doing tonight?" "Uhm, nothing actually." "Why?" "Because Timmy and his friends are heading down to a couple of bars. To celebrate the end of exams and stuff. You want to come?" "That'd actually be nice! I'd be up for a drink or two." "Nice" she says. She places her empty cup in the dishwasher, grabs her bag, and heads out of the front door. "Oh by the way, Ethan is going to be there." She winks. Oh. That ought to be interesting.

"Come on! We're going to be late!" I hear Jade shouting from outside my room. "I'm nearly ready!" I shout back. I look down at my bed currently covered in my entire wardrobe, dresses and skirts everywhere. I had been searching for an appropriate outfit for tonight, because Jade had said that the bar was pretty posh. I was absolutely not fucking ready. "Candace!" I yell. "I need your help!" A second layer, she rushes into my room. "What?" "I don't know what to wear!" I exclaim in an inpatient tone. She carefully examines the pile of clothes stacked on top of my mattress. She pulls out a little black dress with a bare back and hands it to me. "That one." "What? No way. I haven't worn that since forever. It's much to tight." " That's the whole point babe. You gotta look hot." She winks turning her back to me, looking for shoes for me to wear. I look at the dress and take it off the hanger. I put it on and look at myself in the mirror beside my bed. Candace wasn't wrong, it does look hot on me. The dress shows off my waist, and the bare back emphasises my hips. "You look banging Amara." She smirks, checking me out. "Thanks? I guess." I chuckle. As for shoes I was opting for those. Classy but casual." She hands me a pair of low heels. I put them on and look at the final look in the mirror. "Okay, we can go now." I say as I exit my room.


We arrive at the bar near 10pm, and it's packed. There are lots of students from all over the campus, mainly because it's the end of exams, and I recognise a few faces and say hello to the few I know. Monica leads us through the crowd towards the back, and approaches a table where some men are sitting. I spot Ethan with no difficulty, sitting in the middle, and when he sees me, I wave to him. He looks back to me and awkwardly smiles. Well isn't this evening's going to be just perfect. I sit down next to some guy from the hockey team and try to start up a decent conversation. "Hi. I'm Amara. Are you from the hockey team?" I ask. "Yeah. My name's Tristan but everyone calls me TJ." He answers, handing me a glass. "Oh, well nice to meet you TJ. What's in that?" I ask questioning the contents of the cocktail. "I don't know, but it's yummy." He giggles, going in casually with the conversation. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Ethan watching us from the other side of the table, nonchalantly slurping his drink. I finish my drink in a half second and immediately ask for another. Then another. Before I know it, I'm down 4 Martinis, and the alcohol is definitely doing it's job. We're no longer sitting around the table, but on the dance floor, rocking out to the music provided by the dj. The alcohol reveals that I'm not such a bad dancer, and I'm dancing in the middle of a circle that has formed, completely drunk. I can hear people cheering me on, including TJ and the other guys from the hockey team. I'm about to get low for a millionth time, when I feel somebody pulling my arm, and dragging me out of the dance circle. "What the hell?" I groan holding my head up to see who'd done that. To my surprise, I see Ethan, looking funnily pissed. "What'd you do that for?" I ask punching him in the shoulder. My punch doesn't affect him in any ways, he stays still, his strong figure standing over me. "You're complet drunk." He says, holding me tight by the waist, keeping me from falling to my feet. "I don't need your help." I reply, sticking my tongue out. "Okay then" he says, letting me fall on the cold ground. "Not cool" "You said you didn't need any help" he smirks. Those words penetrate me like lighting. God. I hate that he has so much effect on me. He lifts me back up with no struggle, guiding me to somewhere less loud. As I walk down the two steps leading to the sofas, I trip and fall on my knees. "Ouch" I whine. "That's it. I'm taking you home." He says leaning down to pick me up in his arms. "Shit Amara, you're bleeding." He exclaims, looking at my scratched knee. "Oh, it's nothing." I scoff, letting my head go on his chest. He walks rapidly outside, towards his 4X4, carrying me like I'm weightless. He gently sits me in the passenger seat and fastens my seatbelt. I must have fallen asleep, because when I open my eyes, I'm in front of my apartment door, and Ethan is rummaging through my bag, searching for the keys. I slap his hand away and grab my purse. "No snooping." He giggles. I push the key in the lock, but can't seem to open it. "Here, let me" Ethan smoothly moves me over to the other side, unlocks the door, and pulls me inside. He sets me down gently on my bed and leaves the room. Was he really going to leave like this? Suddenly, he comes back in, a bottle of antiseptic spray and bandaids in his hands. He grabs my knee and gently dabs the scratch with a cotton pad. "You tell me if this hurts." he sweetly whispers. I nod. He places the bandaid over and takes back the emergency kit. I struggle to take off my dress, and Ethan immediately comes to help. He pulls the dress over my head and throws it in the corner of the room. I'm know very aware that I'm practically naked, and cross my arms over my boobs to cover them. Ethan realises that I'm embarrassed and laughs. "Come on Amara. It's not like I haven't seen you naked" he exclaims. "Make yourself useful and get me something to wear!" I snap, still having my arms crossed. This situation seems to amuse him, because he doesn't move and grins. "What's the magic word?" "What?" "You're a well mannered girl Amara. What's the magic word?" Ugh. So cocky. "Please Ethan. I'm cold." I whine, lacking the energy to get into his little game. He does as he's told and hands me over a T-shirt. I slip it on and hoist myself under the blankets. He's about to leave when I whisper. "Thank you Ethan." He walks towards me and kisses me gently on the forehead. "That's alright" he says, moving towards the door. I immediately fall asleep, almost missing what he mumbles as he closes the door. "Sweet dreams Preston."

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