Chapter 13

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I shoot out of Ethan's room as quickly as possible. I speed down the stairs, repeatedly knocking over couples of people who were hooking up, mouthing some "sorries" to a bunch of them. On the way down, I look at myself in the mirror and notice that my hair is all over the place. I have the worst sex hair ever, so I try in the best way to put it back in place. That'll have to do. I pass more people, either asleep on couches or passed out on the floor. I really hope neither of Candace or Monica are part of of those zombie-like-drunken people, because I'm not spending the night here, and I'm certainly not driving or getting driven home by a bunch of random people I don't know. I spot the both of them together talking to Timmy and another guy, and I rush towards them. "Hi" I mutter. "Hey, where have you been? You disappeared?" I look around the room, confused "Mara?" Candace asks again looking intensely into my eyes. "Oh. Right, sorry. Uhm. I went to the toilet." "For half an hour?" She chuckles. Shit. We'd been together for thirty minutes? "Oh yeah, the queue was very long" I let out awkwardly . This really was the worse lie I could have ever come up with, but my brain had refused to cooperate at this instant. However Candace and Mon seem to believe so I guess it wasn't  that bad. "Should we go? It's getting late and exams are soon?" "Yeah, let me tell Timmy he has the car keys." After saying goodbye to everyone, we finally leave the house, to my greatest pleasure.

I walk out rapidly from the auditorium, handing in my exam to my chemistry teacher. I rush through the doors and head to the library. I stop at the cafeteria to buy a latte, as always. I drink it in a half second, and sit down on a chair, pulling it noiselessly from under the table and taking out my things. I put on my headphones and try and concentrate on the French Revolution but my phone keeps buzzing. I swear if it's Candace begging for answers to the Chem Exam, I'm blocking her, no joke. I look up and my face tenses up.


annoying study date: hey how'd the chem exam go? I saw you leaving early?
annoying study date: hey everything okay?
annoying study date: we haven't talked in a week? Is everything okay?
amara : oh sorry. I've been pretty caught up with stuff
annoying study date: like school stuff?
amara : yea and other stuff.
annoying study date: want to talk about it? over lunch?
amara : I can't today sorry, I really have much to do
annoying study date : you seem oddly weird this week. text me ASAP if things get worse

I have been avoiding Ethan for over week now. After what had happened last weekend, I don't really know how to be or act around him. Nobody knows what happened and I don't particularly want everyone to know either. I don't feel any romantic for him, and I'm afraid that last weekend affected our friendship. I don't even know if you could call what we had a friendship. I didn't lie to him. Well, not quite. I'm free tonight, but I've got a lot to think about. We've got a match coming up and my mum's coming for dinner tomorrow. I don't really feel like seeing her right now. She kind of invited herself and I couldn't pluck out the courage to refuse, so there she'll be. My fellow roommates won't be here this very evening, so I won't even be able to rely on their support. Let's just say I'm going to have to have to mentally prepare myself. I have seen her in what feels forever, and that had worked quite for the better. I finally make up my mind to reply to Ethan, and plunge back into my notebooks.

"Out" was the only thing I could remember from todays training. I really have been stressed out recently. And it's clearly noticeable on the court. My teammates easily noticed and have tried on several occasions to cheer me up, by giving me a big smile or by shooting me big thumbs up. At the end of practice, I was hammered. I quickly hopped in the shower, and shampooed my hair. I had my eyes closed when someone entered the showers. "Hey? Everything all right? You've been acting really odd this past week?" Hannah asked "Uhm yeah. I'm fine. I just have a lot. Matches and stuff." "Come on. You know you can't lie to me. There's something else going on. Is it your parents?" I nod. I really am a bad liar. "Yeah sort of. Mom's coming over tomorrow. To eat." "Oh shit that's not good." She grabs her towel and twists it around her waist. "Keep me posted if things head south" she says, smiling at me. "Of course."

I wake up late this morning. It was 11am on a Saturday and I definitely deserved a lie-in. Monica and Jade had left early, and Candace was still sleeping. How did I know? Because I had heard the both of them getting ready and slamming the front door shut at 7 and I could still hear Candace snoring. She snores really loud. I grab a bowl out of the cupboard and pour myself some cereal. I drink what remains of the milk carton and sit down on the couch. I'm still wearing my pjs and my bunny socks are definitely working on warming my feet up. Jennae, my aunt had bought them for me last Christmas and I couldn't thank her enough. Sure they look childish but I still love them, despite all the mocking remarks from my flatmates. They just simply have no fashion taste. I hear Candace's room door open, and she comes out of looking absolutely wrecked. "Wow nice look" I snicker "Where did you get those pants from? I heard Mickey Mouse wants them back by the way" I giggle. She looks down at her feet and laughs awkwardly. Her baggy jogging had risen up, turning them into some sort of baggy shorts that would definitely make Vivienne Westwood turn in her grave. "I came home late yesterday" "I guess I must have put on the first thing I could think of" "Where did you go? I ask "Uhm" she says stuttering. My phone screen suddenly lights up and I look back up to her "Shit! I'm meeting with my mum in twenty minutes and I'm absolutely not fucking ready! This conversation isn't over!" I shout as I rush to my bedroom.

I arrive just in time at the restaurant where my mom told me to meet her. It's a pretty chic one, so I'm dressed appropriately for the occasion, a little black dress and small beige heels that make me look just an inch taller. I've put up my hair in a low ponytail, letting the end of my hair falling on my back. I spot her, sitting at a table, looking stern. As I walk inside, I'm greeted by a server. When I look up, I instantly recognise him. "Derek? Oh my gosh hi!" I exclaim"Amara? How have you been. It's great to see you." "Yeah!" "Uhm do you have a reservation?" "No someone is waiting for me." I reply. He looks up shyly at me and asks. "Boyfriend?" "God no. My mother's waiting for me" I blurt out as he leads me to the table. My mom is wearing a crème blazer with withe pants and leather boots. When our eyes meet, I gulp. "Hi!" She shrieks, standing up energetically to hug me. "Hi mom." "How have you been honey? It's been so long!" "I've been fine thanks." After a few moments of reunion, Derek approaches our table and hands us our menus. I thank him and look at the first page. I don't even have time to look at what food they had, when my mom gave the menu back to Derek ruffly and said. "We don't need menus. We already know what we want to eat. Two Caesar salads please." looking up and down at our server. "But-" "You can go now" she signs Derek away. Poor guy. I look back to my mom. "Mom I didn't even get to look at the menu. I don't think I wanted a salad." "Come on. We both know that salads are good for the health . And anyways, how do you intend to please boys if you eat more than them, huh?" She replies sharply. I huff loudly. Yup, that was the mom I knew. As cunning as ever. We hardly speak whilst we were waiting for our food. When our salads arrive, we start talking about my studies, and naturally, the subject I dreaded talking about with my mother came up. "Anyways Amara. Let's talk about something serious. Do you have a boyfriend?" "God mom. No. I already told you a bazillion times. I'm not dating till I graduate."  "But still. You still must have had small relationships? A tiny love affair? She asks. Uhm let's see. How about a casual friendly hook-up with the guy I was tutoring mom, who also is the captain of the hockey team. How about that mom? Yup. Definitely never telling her about that.

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