Chapter 41.

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MORGANA WAS WRONG about several things. Darkness wasn't coming. In fact, my vision had never been brighter.

Flames ate the low-rise buildings, crawling up walls, trees, and other unfortunate inanimate objects. Glass windows reflected the leaping orange light from the other houses on the opposite side of the main village path. I stumbled back at the beauty of fire. Often, the most dangerous and deadly things are the most beautiful.

I could have sworn I saw a humanoid-shaped flame tear apart a door decorated in vines before shoving the wooden splinters into its mouth. I knocked a fist against my skull, hoping to reverse my brain back to sanity. Then I crossed my eyes, but the number of flammable people doubled! Giving up, I shivered and looked back in the direction we came from, choosing to blame the imaginary flame people on the sugary-smelling smoke.

"Are you going to leave Fynn and Blaze to fix everything on their own? Shall I bring you an armchair so your damsel legs can rest as you spectate the havoc from the sidelines and get high on smoke?"

Go bug someone else, Riana. Preferably, mind-manipulator Morgana. Feel free to tear a chunk out of her leg for being misleading.

"Go help our pack, Kitty Kat," Riana stuck her tongue out, but worry shone in her eyes. "If you do well, I'll let you tear the chunk from Morgana's leg yourself."

I roll my eyes before turning back to the scene. The boys had made themselves useful, aiding the injured and pouring buckets of water over burning houses. All of the buildings were mainly wooden, the choice of material creating a beautiful rustic atmosphere but not worth the mess of a burning village.

Making myself useful, I ran to help Jesse with the barrels large enough to fill bathtubs. Somehow, he managed to walk with one in each arm, both sloshing with water. "I'm alright," he raised his voice over the crackle of the fire and the shouts of shifters looking for their pack. "Help the medics with the injured!"

Shouting some vague response, I turned towards the areas with large congregations of shifters. One was gathered near the only road leading back to the city. Shifters were shifting, running, and driving. I assumed they were in good health. The second was in a clearing off to the side of the village. Surrounded by dense forest, it could only be a temporary shelter due to the danger of sparks igniting the flammable wood and trapping the group. Only the injured, the noble, and the insane would stay close to the burning village longer than necessary.

I felt my chest cramp as I headed towards the second congregation. I cringed and took a deep breath to expand my chest cavity. It didn't help. Every step closer to the injured made my skin prickle and sweat bead on my head. I was sure I looked drenched from sweat and heat from the fire. My chest began to cramp rhythmically – clench, relax, clench, relax.

Riana? What demon did you send to possess me?

"I didn't send anything. The clenching certainly isn't normal. Perhaps it has something to do with your bonds."

Fynn and Blaze! Do you think they're in trouble?

"You better go help them. Jesse and the others were fine moments ago, so it can't be them."

Fynn? Blaze? I attempted to communicate with them through the pack bond but received no response. I directed the next thought to the others. I'm going to find Fynn and Blaze.

Be careful. James' worry travelled across our bond and burrowed into my heart like a worm. It appears the pack bonds are developing over time, as shown by the recent upgrade to emotion-sharing.

I will.

I quickly shifted into Riana's wolf, forgoing the removal of my clothes. I abhorred the shredded byproduct that clung around my wolfy frame, but there wasn't enough time. Finding an alternative to inelastic clothing was a problem for future me.

A loud thump and evil crackle captured my attention. One of the trees that lined the row of humble wooden houses had fallen, its trunk weakened and charred by the fire. The burning hunk of wood blocked the narrow path, effectively barring anyone from entering.

I raced along the forest edge, Riana's agile manoeuvring saving me from nasty collisions with lazy rocks that refused to move out of my way. I decided to check the lodge first.

I pondered why Fynn and Blaze had run body-first into danger. They obviously weren't thinking with their heads. Besides suffering from chronic hot-body syndrome, the only marginally sane reason explaining their rash behaviour would be if they were retrieving something important they had hidden. However, I wouldn't be surprised if I discovered Blaze rescuing the batch of cookies I made this morning to satiate Riana's boredom. As for Fynn, he probably tagged along to prevent Blaze from running into a burning house.

Riana froze my leg muscles from moving any further. "Your destination is on the left."

Why do I need GPS when I have you? I chuckled, desperate for a reprieve from the worry.

The lodge was built further from the main strip of houses, secluded behind trees and dense foliage to maintain privacy. Given the trees between our holiday home and the village area weren't burning, our stronghold still stood. I was glad. I had grown to love the vines hugging the exterior, the high-beam ceilings, and the furniture. Ignoring the trauma from Riana's first shift and Fynn's innate attitude problem, the memories have been positive.

Before I entered the brief patch of forest, I paused and gave control to Riana. I heard footsteps on the main path, but they quickly disappeared. I thought everyone had fled from the fire. Can you hear anything?

My counterpart sniffed the air and waited. Finally, "at least two people are there, but they don't seem worried. From their steady footfalls and relaxed gait, they might be patrolling the area?"

It wouldn't be Fynn and Blaze. Though they are occasionally dim-witted, they know their absence will worry us and will try to be fast. Leisurely strolling past burning houses isn't their style... what if it's the people who started the fire?

"And they're making sure the entire village falls to ruins?"

A valid theory to me. I shrug my subconscious shoulders as I collapse onto a floor cushion.

"Maybe we should go..."

Suddenly, something pushed me from behind.



Here is my new update! Thank you for being so patient!!!

How are you liking the story so far? Do share any suggestions on what to include next! 💕💕💕😱

QOTC (a corny joke as an apology for being a day late): What do librarians say to those who borrow many books?
I'll reveal the answer in the next chapter :)

Run wild,


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