Chapter 4.

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"HANG ON, YOU'RE saying the wolves accepted her into their pack?"

Ian and I were currently in Adrianne and Brian's office. Amelia had gone back to the cabin after dinner, claiming all the walking had made her so tired she was ready to go into hibernation. In reality, I was pretty sure she was allowing some privacy for our conversation. I made a mental note to thank her later.

The wolf expert nodded from his place next to me. "Fynn did a modified pack ritual and included Kate."

"What pack ritual?" I piped up, confused by their implications.

Turning to me, Adrianne held my hands in hers. "Darling, the wolves accepted you into their pack, meaning they hold the same respect for you as they would for other members of the pack. This is highly unusual and has never happened before. Members are never accepted so quickly. Add in the fact you're a human..."

"So, what does this mean?" still unclear about the meaning of all this fussing.

"It means they hold a high level of trust for you, and you can rely on them and they on you. That means you and the pack are soon going to have a bond that goes beyond human imagination."

I felt slightly confused about how much Adrianne knew about the bond and how it works, especially since she was human. Just like I am.

Giving a wide yawn, I stretched my hands above my head and commented on my unusual tiredness.

"It's because your soul is tired from all the bonds it's had to create in a short span of time," Brian explained from his seat next to Adrianne. "You'll probably wake late tomorrow and be tired for the entire day, but you'll be fine."

Ian walked me back to my lodge and I admired the night sky.

"Why aren't you, Adrianne, and Brian as surprised about the bonding as I am?" I commented, "I'm just waiting to walk into my buddy: the wall called shock."

"You're handling the news really well compared to how I'd feel if I was suddenly bonded with a wolf pack."

"But?" I urged when I sensed there was more to be said.

"But to be completely honest, it wasn't too surprising."

I stopped in my tracks and blinked twice. "Sorry, what?"

"When you first arrived, you seemed so open to new experiences. Wolves like open human beings – that's how they befriended humankind in the first place. They also seemed to be tracking your scent, way more than they would normally do in any other situation. So, when they bonded with you, it was their ultimate acceptance of you and your soul."

I was speechless.

When Ian put it that way, I felt so valued by the wolves and important to them. I felt needed. Wanted. So much more than what I felt with Michael.

"You two weren't going to last, anyway," the voice in my head said.



Hey guys, I don't have much to say this week; just that the weather has gotten colder for some reason.

Sadly, we didn't make our target, so no double chapter! (I feel bad but we didn't make the quota)      :(

QOTC - ask me a question you'd like to know!
Of course, my answer depends on whether I actually know the answer and how much detail I'm willing to give (if it's a personal question). In return, I might ask you a question too!

Share, vote, comment and run wild!

-Hilda <3

Chapter 5: 9April2022 - comment if I should release more often :D

My very own wolf familyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora