Chapter 39.

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MORGANA RAISED HER hands sarcastically in surrender. "Fine, fine. No need for such a temper Riana. I was just toying with her," she shot an amused smirk towards my very unamused face. I scowled and barred my teeth.

The strange lady proceeded to beckon me towards some flat rocks. I swear they weren't there before. They just popped into existence.

"They did, Kitty Kat," Riana laughed at my utter confusion.

"I presume you'd like some clothes," Morgana laughed as she eyed me up and down. My hands moved faster than light as I rushed to cover myself. I most certainly didn't get enough preparation to face such a pain in the bottom - pricklier and more intrusive than the grass I found myself lying on moments before. I can't get rid of the grass up my butt.

Before I could snap at her, something else snapped: her slender fingers tipped with pastel yellow nail polish. Suddenly, soft white material pooled around my feet. Morgana had somehow magicked a Grecian looking off-the-shoulder tied at the waist by a rope. It was prettier and comfier than I'd like to admit.

"What about a drink?" Before I could reply, Morgana snapped her fingers again. Another rock appeared, covered in fruity drinks with colourful straws and umbrella toothpicks.

"Bracelets?" With another snap, golden bangles covered both forearms.

"Hair treatment?" she clicked her fingers, "you sure look like you could use it."

I had been rendered a jawless mess. Morgana liked clicking her fingers as much as Dorothy obsessively clicked her red heels. From Advil boxes to zebra print couches, all sorts of strange objects basked under the afternoon glow of the sky. I could already see squirrels and other creatures making themselves comfortable in the multiple doll houses.

Riana growled and pranced onto Morgana, pinning her shoulders to the ground. Stop this circus now, or else I'll tear up your favourite dress!

"Powerful, aren't you," Morgana grumbled as she shoved Riana to the side. "If only I could go back a millennium and make you weaker. That'd save me so many bruises and scratches, my old body can only take so much."

"Hold up," my eyes scrunched into little slits. "You 'made' her?" I curled both my index and middle fingers to demonstrate the quotation marks.

Riana rolled her eyes and looked pointedly. She keeps saying that, but her ancestral lines wouldn't have prospered as much as they do today have I not come into existence.

"Let me explain why you're here before you burst from confusion and pent-up anger." Morgana leaned back onto her hands and stared into the sky. Taking a deep breath, "Darkness is coming."

I blinked as I waited for the vague woman to elaborate. I really wanna punch her.

"Me too. I'll even help you."

"What do you mean 'darkness is coming,'" I mocked her in a high-pitched helium voice. "Looks like a pretty hell of a bright day to me. It's so bright I want to carve out my eyeballs with the Advil boxes and pregnancy tests you created."

"It's the calm before the storm. The flash of lightning before the bone-shaking thunder. The orange-red glow on the walls that remind you of heaven before you realise it's hell, the–"

"Okay, I get it."

"– cake before the food poisoning, the Amazon coupons before–"

"Enough!" I wave my hands frantically in the air and bulge out my eyes at Morgana.

Morgana's mouth closed and she demurely placed her hands back in her lap. "Oh, alright then. Witch activity, previously dormant for centuries, has suddenly reappeared and strong signs of witch inhabitations have been detected globally. Especially in Great Britain."

I was tempted to mock her by picking up a nearby stick and pretending to be he-who-must-not-be-named, but my gut feeling said she wouldn't understand. Plus, what she was talking about seemed important. Not that I have a clue what witches and witch activity meant.

"Why are you so worried? Halloween witch costumes are being revamped as the latest trend," I shrugged as I examined my leg through my dress slit.

"No! They're real witches. With actual magic and curses and magic potions. I thought they'd finally disappeared for good, but apparently not. They've probably been planning their rise for ages. Not that I'd let them, of course."

"How are you going to stop them when you don't even exist?" I interrupted what was quickly becoming her internal monologue.

"What do you mean? I'm right here!" She said in outrage before grabbing my finger to prod her (very solid) stomach.

"But aren't you just a figment of my imagination? I'm hallucinating, aren't I?"

Morgana rolled her eyes. "I no longer physically exist on the real plane you've lived on for the past eighteen years of your life. I did thousands of years ago. Now, I am a spirit that can cross dimensions and worlds and manipulate minds to see timeless versions of myself."

"I'm talking to a dead, rotting, flea-food corpse?" I internally snickered at what I believed was a funny joke. Sue my humour, suck my thumb, woman older than a baby boomer.

"No!" She gasped, placing a smooth and dainty hand on her chest. "I'm not flea food – but I suppose my physical body has rotted into fossils by now," she trailed off thoughtfully. "Point is," she glared at me, "there are some very bad witches who reappeared in the world who deserve to be dead, and it's your job to exterminate the fleas."

"FLEAS?" I yelled, but Morgana tauntingly smiled. The was another darker emotion she displayed, but I couldn't pinpoint it. "I HATE FLEAS!" I rushed towards her, but my hands only swiped through the air.

The woman and the magically procured objects began to disappear the same as they appeared: into thin air. Not to mention, my temporary toga also became invisible, leaving me as naked as the day I was born. I cringed as the air came into contact with certain... unmentionables that I hoped would never feel the brush of cool air again.

"Until we meet again, Katie."

It wasn't until my vision faded into a colour equivalent to a black hole that I realised I had never told Morgana my name.



Aloha fellow wolves!

Long time no see (or in these circumstances, read)! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to sprout any creativity to write further chapters for MVOWF.

Exams are coming up, so I won't be able to maintain the schedule I previously adhered to. Instead of once a week, I will be aiming to release once a fortnight (14 days, or two weeks).

QOTC: What books (whether on Wattpad or elsewhere) have you been reading thus far?
Rob Their's Storm and Silence (I love Lils and Amby more than any other Wattpad character, fight me on it), The Elemental by theanastasiaellis, and Beauty within the Beast by Bemythyst, all of which can be found on Wattpad.

Keep reading,


UPDATE (5april2023): I made some minor changes :)

Chapter 40: 1april2023

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