Chapter 4

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And she had come back the next night and every other night like clockwork.

Pulled by a force she could not explain

When she was away from him she was restless and it was the same for him

Most nights she would return to find him pacing, an instant smile forming on his lips when he saw her

Lucian's thoughts were forced back to the present
"You can either figure this out yourself or let me do it for you and I'm sure you wouldn't like my methods," he said

Ferdinand the human leader and his mate's father nodded in understanding. Others at the table grumbled and Lucian knew that they would give Ferdinand a hard time once they left his realm

He did not want anything inconveniencing his tārā, so he would give them more time
He sighed
"I'm giving you more time to resolve this conflict, else my men will step in and we will resolve it"


It was 30 minutes since the meeting had been over and Olivia hadn't made it home to him

He kept pacing around the room, his robe of pure luxury making swishing sounds each time he turned.

He looked at the clock and realized he couldn't wait anymore or have her make her way to him on her own, it was too dark

He could send his men to guide her home  but that would be more minutes of her away from him

So he left to find her.

It pained him that she insisted they be a secret but he knew he would give her anything and everything she wanted, so he didn't think too much of it

He felt the bond before he heard her voice

"It's okay Jake, you know how Dad gets, but he just wants the best" he heard Olivia say

And when a male voice responded ice spread through his veins

"He's acting like a puppet for the demon king, we should fight back"

"Jake don't be silly, the problem is human wars, not the demon king, he's trying to end the conflicts," Olivia said and that brought a smile to his lips

That's my girl

"Well how about he focuses on his realm and we'll deal with our problems by ourselves, we don't need their help," the male voice said again, and Lucian had enough of this nonsense

He could grab her and vanish and this little Jake person would be none the wiser but he didn't need him running to tell everyone that Olivia had disappeared. She wouldn't like that

"All of that doesn't matter, soon we'll be married and we'll move away from all this nonsense," Jake said

And now Lucian really had enough, he whipped out the silly little phone thing she insisted they communicate with (when they could easily use their mate bond to achieve the same thing)

He dialed her phone to give her a reason to excuse herself from this Jake person

"My father's calling," she said
"I'll walk you to the door," he said

Lucian released a vexed sigh and waited for the little pest to leave

The minute Jake was gone, he appeared in her room, grabbed her, and vanished again, taking them to his castle

"What happened to hello, hi, will you come with me?" Olivia said rolling her eyes as she crashed on the couch closest to her
"Well sorry I wouldn't know how to act since I'm apparently your father but somehow we make love every night"

"You were eavesdropping" she gasped

"My love, I assure you I wasn't, you humans are so loud I could hear you from a mile away"

She groaned into the softness of the couch, her eyes fluttering shut

He picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he took them through the maze of doors and hallways before they finally made it to his massive  bedroom

His hand was tugging at her shirt the minute he placed her on the bed
She had wanted to ignore him but she was weak to their bond, her body always seemed to have a mind of its own around him.

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