Chapter 3

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In no time they had made it back to his castle. He ordered the servants to prepare a feast.
His mate was here!

He placed her on the massive bed, moving just a little distance away to observe her, a big goofy smile on his face.

The minute he let go, the little human made a dive for the door. Just as quickly, he grabbed her, holding her close to him but she kept kicking and screaming. She twisted and turned so much that it was her legs he now held; her body was upside down and she continued screaming.

All these did strange things to Lucian, he was laughing like a little boy.
"Hey, hey," he said placing her right side up, so he could stare into her eyes
"Hey... calm down, I'm not going to hurt you" he whispered as he stared into her beautiful brown eyes, but he couldn't help himself as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. She was just too precious.

Her screams this time were worse and Lucian was beginning to worry that he had broken his mate


Three hours later and the screaming had subsided.
Olivia was hiding behind the bed as he towered over her, watching her with puppy dog eyes, looking worried.

"Are you hungry?" He asked gently.

Another of her loud screams pierced the air and he moved back quickly
She heard the door open, he turned to yell at whoever had come in

"I said do not disturb me! Does anyone understand anything today?"

"We... we heard another scream, my Lord," the voice said from the door

"You'll be the one screaming if you don't leave here at once!" He thundered

Olivia burst into tears and louder screams at the sound of that

"Oh no, no, honey no... I'm sorry, I'm sorry", he said squatting to be at her eye level, trying to reach her behind the bed

Olivia kept going deeper and deeper behind, so he couldn't touch her

Another hour had passed and Lucian had not figured out how to get her out from there.

But he could not deny how happy he was with her here. It felt like he was being healed from all the years of loneliness and boredom

The smile came naturally to him as he hoped it would reassure her. She stared at him curiously and he sat cross-legged on the floor, deciding that he would have to talk her out of her little corner.

"So I'm Lucian, the demon king, emperor, slayer of humans," he said with a smile, stretching his hand for a handshake

Olivia shied away, he withdrew his hand with a little smile

" that's probably not the kind of joke I should be making at the moment," he said with a little laugh

"I've been waiting for my mate for a long time... a long, long time, and today, I get to meet her and I'm very excited-" a sudden frown stopped his speech "A little too excited"

If she wasn't scared for her life Olivia's heart would probably have gone crazy with how adorable and devilishly handsome he was.

But right now the only thing on her mind was how to convince this large and strange supernatural that he needed to let her go.

Suddenly something clicked in her head

"Did you just say demon king?" she asked, her eyes getting wide.

Lucian nodded slowly, unsure why she was looking at him like that.

Then she started crying all over again

"Oh no..." Lucian groaned letting his back hit the ground

Olivia was sure she was going to die today. The demon king hated humans, and he killed them without remorse.

Finally, she was talking, her voice sounded hoarse, and that broke his heart

"Please just let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone," she said

"Baby, I don't care if you tell anyone but I'm not letting you out of my sight," he said gently 

 "Now come out and let's have dinner, you're tired and you're going to make yourself sick"  Olivia was exhausted and hungry. 

If she didn't come out soon she wouldn't have to wait for him to decide to eat her or not, the hunger and her screaming would do the job of ending her.

"Promise you won't eat me if I come out," she said pleadingly

He only smiled

"That would have to do," she thought sliding out

He gave her space, looking like he was scared she would bolt

She was shaking

And Lucian wanted to kick himself

His eyes looked pained, and Olivia could not understand why a big part of her ached at seeing him that way

what was wrong with her?

" if I let you go, do you promise to come back?" he said closing the distance between them. 

He lifted her like she weighed nothing and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips

It was electric and before she could stop herself Olivia was moaning into his mouth and leaning in for more.

He chuckled

" I thought you were scared of me?" he said pulling back to look her in the eyes

Olivia could only stare wide-eyed

She had thought so too, her body was a little traitor

She spent the night cuddled up in his arms and the next morning he let her go

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