Chapter 7.Cousins and cuddles!

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leonia's pov:

After breakfast mommy said that I was gonna meet my cousins. She said that they're nice, so they should be nice to me too! She said I would only meet two today and I have another one but she's busy.

I'll only be nice to them if they're nice to me, if they're meanie butts I'll bonk them on the head so they get they're brains back! I sat on the living room floor and played with some blocks.

Mommy was sitting on the couch watching me and daddy was doing work in his office. The doorbell rang and mommy went to answer it, I heard talking then footsteps coming back into the living room.

Mommy picked me up and we went to the front entrance, I saw two little girls like me! Except one had dark brown hair and the other had a lighter color. "These are you're cousins Leo." Mommy said

I waved at them and they waved back, they were being held by they're mommy and daddy too. Daddy came out of his office and walked over to me and mommy, "This is florus" said the woman holding the girl with darker hair. "This Cila" said the man holding the girl with lighter hair.

"I Leo!" I said, "Hi lweo" said florus. I waved at her, "Hewo!" Said cila, I waved at her, "I'm your uncle rené, and this is you're auntie Priscilla" uncle rené said. Auntie Priscilla waved at me, 

"how about you all go play in Leo's room?" Mommy said, I nodded and she put my down. Florus and Cila were put down too and we crawled up the stairs, I reached up on my tippy toes to open the door.

I opened the door after trying and walked in, florus and cila behind me. I walked over to the little table that had my tea set on it and they sat on two of the chairs. I sat on the one in between them.

I poured some fake tea into they're cups and they smiled and pretended to drink the tea, they're really nice! Were gonna be best friends!

Roasire's pov: 

I sat down on the couch and I could hear the girls giggling through the baby monitor that was on the coffee table. Phelio sat down next to my and René and Priscilla sat on two love seats we had.

"Leonia's so adorable!" Priscilla said, I smiled my baby is already collecting people with her cuteness! I nodded my head and Phelio smiled, "So what orphanage?" René asked

"______  orphanage "  I replied and he nodded his head, he and Priscilla understand the struggle. They couldn't have kids either and Florus and Cila are adopted like leo.

"I heard some nasty things about that place" Priscilla said look a little upset, "It was okay the one caretaker was horrible though" she nodded understanding. I heard the girls talking through the baby monitor

"Well at least they're getting along" said René, I nodded. I do not want another jimmy incident like st the orphanage. 

Leo's pov: 

We started talking and Florus and Cila were adopted too! They said they also had meanie grown ups like Ms.Carrie, we all agreed that if we could we would best them all up!

"Was you're favwite cower" I asked them both, "Bue" cila said. "Geen!" Florus said while smiling, she was quite at first but now she's talking and being super happy! So I'm happy because my cousins are happy.

"Was you'res" florus said, "Wed!" I said and they both smiled. They both two like me so we get to be grown ups together too! I do a happy wiggle and so do they, "we gonna be togever for eva!" I said

they nodded and we all giggled, I like my cousins. I wonder what my other cousin is like?

Roasire's pov:

I heard more giggling from the baby monitor and smiled, I could see René,Phelio, and Priscilla smiling too. The girls were talking about they're favorite colors and how they were gonna be together for 'eva'.

Its been about an hour and a half sense they got here and they had to leave now, we all went upstairs and I opened Leos door and walked in, "Florus and Cila have to go now, can you say bye bye?" I asked

Leo nodded and said good bye, they all hugged adorably and then they left. I picked up Leo and hugged her while Phelio hugged us both, I love my little family. I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Wc: 743

So Leo met her cousins and they are now close! 

LeoniaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora