Chapter 5. Dinner and bed!

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Roasire's pov:

Me and Phelio were both talking in the kitchen on what we should make for dinner, we had left Leo on the couch after the fell asleep propping her up with two pillows so she didn't fall over.

"Well we were told she likes chicken nuggets and I got some yesterday so I'll make some" I said and Phelio nodded. I grabbed the bag out of the freezer put some on z try then into the oven.

"What will we eat then" Phelio asked, I shrugged well probably just eat some nuggets as well. After a couple minutes the oven beeped and I pulled the nuggets out of the oven and put them onto a cute pink plate.

Me and Phelio started hearing little taps coming towards the kitchen and we turned to see Leo walking in while rubbing her eyes. She looked so adorable, I pulled out my phone and took a picture real quick. "send that to me please" Phelio said and I nodded.

He walked over a picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. I walked into the dining room and placed the plate down on the tray of her highchair and Phelio placed her down in the high chair.

Her eyes shot open once she saw the nuggets and let out a happy squeal and did a happy wiggle. I smiled and could see Phelio also smiling, he was so upset when we found out we couldn't have kids.

He always wanted kids, I can see he absolutely adores Leo. I do as well, Leo scarfed down the nuggets very quickly. I'm surprised she was able to eat them that quickly and not choke. "want a piece of candy baby?, you finished all your food" Phelio said.

She nodded so I got up and got her a small piece of candy and then handed it to her. She scarfed that down as well, me and Phelio were just equally as shocked at how fast she eats.

I'm surprised she isn't choking, "You're like a food aggressive puppy" Phelio said. Leo turned to him and glared at him, he just poked her on the nose and she snapped at his finger like a puppy.

I laughed and I could tell Phelio wanted to as well but he just glared back at her. I picked up Leo and walked into the upstairs bathroom and started the water and let it fill up a little bit.

I took Leo's clothes and diapers and set her in the tub and added some bubbles, she giggled and played with the bath toys. I had to take them out of her mouth a couple times.

"Hey babe, can you bring up a pacifier!?" I yelled out the door, Phelio came up a couple minutes later and handed me a pacifier. I handed it to  Leo and she took it and happily put it in her mouth and continued to play with the toys.

Phelio sat down next to me and watched Leo play with the bubbles. I got up and want to grab her towel and walked back in. "Time to get out baby" I grabbed her and wrapped her up in the towel and walked out.

She babbled to me while we walked into her bedroom and I played her down on the changing table and changed her into some cute pink pajamas. Phelio walked in with a bottle and has handed it to me.

I walked over to the rocking chair and sat down with Leo and started feeding her the bottle. Phelio sat down on the floor and kneeled next to me and rubbed Leos hand.

After she finished the bottle she was out like a light. I stood up and Phelio also stood up, I walked over to the crib and laid my baby down in the crib and kissed her head. Phelio then did as well and we walked into the our bedroom.

I clicked off the lights and turned on the night light and noise machine before leaving though.

I'm glad we finally have our baby girl.


Wc: 669

First night at the house!

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