Secret Santa

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Tim and Lucy have been dating for 1 year.

It was a tradition at LAPD that a secret santa was done every year.

"Ok, so I have the hat. Everyone pick a piece of paper!" Grey said cheerily.

Lucys pov:
I reached into the hat and grabbed a piece of paper. I unfolded it. Nolan.

I looked over at Angela and nyla and saw them exchange a look.

After everyone had gotten a piece of paper, Angela grabbed my arm and led me to an empty office. "Nyla came up with a way to tell bradford your secret!" Angela said excitedly. "How?" I asked suspiciously. "Well, i got Tim out of the hat, so if you and me switch, then you can give it to him as his present!" Nyla said, smiling.

Me and Nyla switched papers, and I saw her roll her eyes. "Nolan? Really? This is going to be so easy, " Nyla said, chuckiling.

3rd person:
Lucy opened the door to her apartment to see Tamara on the sofa with a boy. Deciding she didn't want to interrupt, she closed the door carefully and got back into her car.

She ended up driving to Tim's and sitting outside for a while watching Tim play with kojo through the windows he looked so happy. She heard a ding on her phone.

T- are you coming in, or are you just going to sit out there and watch me?

She got out of her car giggling slightly and walked up to Tim's door. She knocked and waited. Tim opened the door, and kojo ran up to her as soon as she stepped inside. "How's my favourite boy?" Lucy said, bending down to scratch his head. "What about me? I swear you only come here to see my dog, " Tim said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms across his chest.

"Tamaras in my apartment with a boy again -" Lucy started. "Come on! not again! And you left them on their own?" Tim asked, raising an eyebrow and grabbing his keys. "Well, I thought you could get her back for all of the times she's interrupted us," Lucy said, chuckiling.

Tamaras pov:
Max and i sat on the sofa watching a movie. I saw Max's hand reach for the remote and switched the TV off. I turned to face him, and he bent down to kiss me. "THIS IS PAYBACK FOR ALL THE TIMES YOU HAVE INTERRUPTED ME AND LUCY!" I heard a voice say teasingly.

I quickly hopped off the sofa and readjusted my jacket. "Tim, reallyyyy!" I complained. "Yes! Now I'm done, see you tomorrow, " he said, giving lucy a kiss on the cheek. "Come on, max, is it?" Tim said, beconing max to follow him.

Lucys pov:
"Tamara, I need your help with surprising Tim. I have him for Secret santa, and the first gift is meant to be given tomorrow!" I said, panicking. Tamara left the room for a second and appeared with 5 boxes.

"This one is for day one, this on for day two, day three, day four, and day five," She said proudly. "Dont worry, they don't give away too much!" She said, smiling. "Thank you!" I said, hugging her.


Tim's pov:
I headed into my office and saw a small parcel. I opened it carefully. "What the hell is that?" I said outloud. I opened my office door and poked my head out. "Ang, can I borrow you?" I asked, confused. Angela got up from her desk smiling. "Whats this?" I asked. "Well, it looks like a pair of socks?" Angela said amused. "Yeah, but they won't even fit kojo! They're tiny!" I said, confused. "I don't know, maybe they don't know your size?" Angela said, leaving my office.

Day 2:
I opened the small parcel that was left on my desk once again and saw a small hairbrush. I put it in the same draw as the socks and started on my paperwork.

Day 3:
A small envelope was on my desk this time, and I opened it and tipped it upside-down. Pink glitter flew out of the envelope and all over my clothes. I stormed out of my office. "Who's stupid idea was this?!" I asked, annoyed, looking around. Everyone had a smirk on their faces and were all trying not to laugh.

Day 4:
I got another envelope, but this one had a piece of paper inside. "Meet at 5pm tomorrow at the park next to the fountain.

Day 5:
Another envelope. I opened it, and the piece of paper read: bring all of the items with you.

Lucys pov:
Me and Tamara waited by the fountain impatiently. I had two boxes in my hands wrapped in pink wrapping paper with small bows. "He's over there!" Tamara said, pointing towards the carpark. My grip on the boxes tightened, and the butterflies in my stomach multiplied into more butterflies.

Tim walked over, confused until he saw me. "Lucy! I didn't expect to see you here!" He said with a chuckle. "Well, she's your secret santa, and she has something to give you," Tamara said with a sparkle in her eye.

I froze for a second before handing Tim the first box.

Tim's pov:
I slowly tore the wrapping paper of the box and opened it carefully. There was a pair of boots inside. "Really more boots?" I asked, rolling my eyes. Lucy handed me the other box with a smile. I opened this one more quickly and saw Tamara was filming. As soon as I opened the lid, I saw a small baby grow, a dummy, a hat, a pregnancy test, and a note. I picked the note up and read it out loud. "Can you hold on to these for a few months, Daddy? Thank you from your little princess!" I whispered.

Lucys pov:
Tim set the box down slowly and stood there, confused for a second. "You're having a baby? We're having a baby!" He said, rushing to hug me. "Yes, we are!" I said crying. Tim pulled away from the hug to wipe my eyes, and he gave me a soft kiss. I felt him put his hand on my stomach and saw him smile proudly.

He hugged me again, "Get over here, Tamara!" He said, opening his arm. "You're having a sister!" He said happily.

I smiled and finally let out a breath I had never known I was holding in. Finally I have a family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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