Im Sorry... (part 2 for Lucy? Lucy!)

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Tims pov:
If I had reacted quicker, then Lucy would still be alive.

Me, Angela, Nyla, Nolan, Jackson, Genny, and Tamara sat in a row listening to Lucy's mums speech. I felt angelas hand on my knee as she saw my jaw clench as Vanessa said how much she supported her daughter.

Vanessa had been anything but supportive towards her daughter. She had been manipulative and had blackmailed Lucy since she was a kid.

Lucy had always vented to me about her mother, and every time, she ended up crying. That was the one that he never used against her. Until the week before...

I had felt so guilty after saying those words to her. I saw her heart shatter by the expression on her face, and the shine in her beautiful brown eyes dimmed.

It didn't help that Ashely had tried to get me to skip the funeral because she thought that i was doing too much. How the hell was i supposed to skip the funeral? We ended up arguing, and I broke things off with her.

Finally, lucys Mum finished her speech. "Would anyone else like to say a few things?" The priest said. I looked around the room, and nobody else stood up. I shuffled forward an inch and stood up slowly. Angela gave me a confused look but realised what I was doing and gave me a small nod. The priest moved aside so I could speak in the centre of the stage.

"Um. So those of you close to me know that speeches and emotions aren't really my thing, but this is different. Officer Lucy Chen was my rookie. At first, her bright smile and her constant talking annoyed the crap out of me. Her eagerness to please other people, " I said, shooting a look at Vanessa, who went red.

"And her kindness towards others. I hated how every time we argued about something, she would always win. I hated how she would prank me with 'Lucy Lessons', and I hated that she let her puppy get away with trying to steal her car. I hated how soft she was.

But now Lucy's gone, I miss all of those things. I miss hearing her laugh about the most stupidest things. I miss seeing her confused because she's lost something again. I miss her kindness. I miss her constant talking and her stupid ways to get you to admit how you were feeling." I said, chuckiling slightly.

"I no longer hate her puppy who looks exactly like her and has even picked up on a few of her annoying personality traits," I said jokingly. "But most of all. I miss Lucy." Tears threatened my eyes as I began to wrap my speech up. "Thank you." I whispered before making my way back to my seat.

"That was beautiful Tim," Angela whispered to me with a tear in her eye. Tamara stood up and made a speech but broke down in the middle of the stage. Her eyes were begging someone to interrupt and pull her off the stage. I stood up again and led her back to her seat, giving her a hug before she sat down.

After one more speech, it was time for people to go up to the open coffin and say a few words. Me and Tamara hung back whilst everyone crowded around her. I knew she would hate that. The crowd.

"Were all going to head off Tim, ok?" Nyla said, giving me a hug. "Yeah, that's fine. I'll take Tamara home, " I whispered.

After everybody left the church me and Tamara were the only two left. "Can you give us a minute?" I said to the priest who nodded and waited outside. I waited for Tamara to say what she wanted to say but saw her begin to break down and rest her head on Lucy's chest. "Come here, tamara," I said, pulling her head up gently off of lucy.

She sobbed into my shoulder and clung to me tightly. "I miss her Tim..." She whispered. "Me to Tamara. Me too." I whispered back. Tamara waited outside whilst i delivered my message to lucy.

Her hair was in two loose normal plaits that rested on her shoulders. I slowly undid her hair and let her natural curls fall around her head. "I'm sorry, lucy. I really am. And for your information, I'm still a hardass TO." I said chuckiling. I took her ring out of my pocket and slid it gently onto her finger. "You are the best rookie I ever trained, Lucy. I'm sorry..."

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