The Ancient Land of Heroes

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The descent was just as easy as the ascent. It was almost too easy, but the two souls didn't tempt fate. Disembarking, she walked out of the airport, and checked a map of nearby hotels... and sure enough, Izuku was right. There were boats, water taxis, heading to and from the islands on a constant basis. Booking the tickets was easy, and so was paying for the hotel. The hardest part was actually understanding anyone. But... Life was true to his word. Understanding languages became much easier, and English was as fluent as Japanese now. I'm still in awe about this body... it's so strong, in many ways!

So am I, Izu!

He stopped, or did the mental equivalent. Wait... why call me that!?

Careful to avoid showing her confusion at his question, she replied in kind. Because we're best friends, at the very, very least? And you've saved my life multiple times at this point. You can call me anything you want.

O-Okay... um... I'll think about that...

They took the day to explore Athens. Never having been there, they wanted to see the sights before they would go to the hotel. She decided that her first goal would be to go see the Parthenon. It towered over every part of the city, and was glowing white as the sunshine beamed down onto it.

Climbing the ascent, they wondered about its purpose. After all, this structure was built far before the advent of quirks. Every stone was placed intentionally, with purpose, by human hands. This was a marvel of ancient engineering.

What do you think they built this place for?

Izuku was just as stumped. His fascination with heroes and quirks just didn't apply to this place. I don't know... this isn't related to heroics at all...

I thought you'd know about this, since the Greeks were famous for their heroes.

Wait, really? I never found anything about ancient heroes when I did my research... although... that may be due to my... sources... How do you know about them?

Glad to have a chance to get into her hobbies, the half brunette explained, Constellations were all inspired by them. Myths, heroes, and legends. Orion the giant. Sagittarius the Centaur. The Big Dipper, or Ursa Major, was named after Callisto, a huntress of Artemis. So much history in the stars...

Space fascinates you, doesn't it?

Yeah... She shielded her eyes against the sun as they arrived at the top. Her wings came in handy with that, providing a lot of shade to take advantage of. There wasn't any way to go inside the ruins, only a circular path around the outside with a few signs, many of whom were written in English. Reading them, the two of them were in awe at the backstory. Of the contest between gods, and how Athens got its name, after the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena, and the shrine that was built in both of their honor.

Amazing... there is so much history before quirks... and these ancient parts of the world still remember it...

I still need to find out about their heroes...

Plenty of time for that... It was then that she checked the time. Check in time was almost over, and they'd need to get there beforehand. We need to get to the hotel!

Right... She quickly headed to the exit, and eventually found it. A high class hotel. Still not really thinking she was deserving, the angel approached the receptionist desk. Immediately, the differences between Athens and Heifi were apparent, as the receptionist was much friendlier. The receptionist was clearly Greek, but with  Speaking in English as a default, she started: "Welcome to the Hyatt, Athens. How can I help you?"
"Yes..." Ochako started, having dealt with... less than hospitable people before. She didn't want to make the same mistakes again. "I would like to book a room."

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